Step 1

Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

03 February—09 February


Step 2

Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 Repeat Union Find

10 February—16 February


Step 3

Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

16 February—23 February


Step 4

Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge, Quick sort

24 February—01 March


Step 5

Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

02 March—08 March


Step 6

Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

09 March—15 March


Step 7

Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

16 March—22 March


Step 8

Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

23 March—23 March


Step 9

Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

23 March—23 March


Step 10

Algorithms Overview - Week 7 - Undirected and Directed graphs

24 March—30 March


Step 11

Practice Graph Problems

29 March—05 April


Step 12

Algorithms Overview - Week 8 - Minimum Spanning Trees, Shortest Paths

06 April—12 April


Step 13

Algorithms Overview - Week 9 - Maximum Flow and minimum Cut, Radix Sort

13 April—17 April


Step 14

Algorithms Overview - Week 10 - Tries & substring search

18 April—19 April


Step 15

Algorithms Overview - Week 11 - Regular expressions & Data Compression

20 April—21 April


Step 16

Algorithms Overview - Week 12 - Reductions, Linear Programming, Intractability

21 April—22 April


Step 17

Algorithms Overview - Finish

21 April—22 April


Step 18

Leetcode Preparation - Week 0 | Arrays

23 April—26 April


Step 19

Leetcode Preparation - Part 1 | Two Pointers & Sliding Window

27 April—03 May


Step 20

Leetcode Preparation - Part 2 | Fast & Slow Pointers | In-place Linked List reversal

04 May—10 May


Step 21

Leetcode Preparation - Part 3 | Modified Binary Search

11 May—14 May


Step 22

Leetcode Preparation - Part 5 | BST & Trie

18 May—19 May


Step 23

Leetcode Preparation - Part 6 | Trie | BST | Top K elements

18 May—19 May


Step 24

Leetcode Preparation - Part 4 | Binary Trees & Graph & BFS & DFS & Topological Sort


Step 25

Leetcode Preparation - Part 7 | Backtracking

20 May—31 May


Step 26

Leetcode Preparation - Part 8 | Top Interview questions

01 June—07 June


Step 27

Frontend Preparation

08 June—22 June


Step 28

System Design + Mock Interviews

23 June—05 July


Step 29

Behavioral Interview Preparation

06 July—12 July


Step 30

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | System Design

24 August—27 September


Step 31

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Theory


Step 32

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Behavioral


Step 33

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Coding

28 September—18 October


Step 34

Facebook Onsite - Day 1 [CODING]

26 October—26 October


Step 35

Facebook Onsite - Day 2 [System Design + Behavioral]

27 October—27 October


Step 36

Waiting for results - DONE

02 November—02 November


Step 37

Facebook Onsite - Day 3 [System Design]

03 November—07 December


Step 38

Waiting for Results

12 December—12 December


Step 39



Step 1

Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

03 February—09 February


Step 2

Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 Repeat Union Find

10 February—16 February


Step 3

Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

16 February—23 February


Step 4

Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge, Quick sort

24 February—01 March


Step 5

Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

02 March—08 March


Step 6

Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

09 March—15 March


Step 7

Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

16 March—22 March


Step 8

Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

23 March—23 March


Step 9

Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

23 March—23 March


Step 10

Algorithms Overview - Week 7 - Undirected and Directed graphs

24 March—30 March


Step 12

Algorithms Overview - Week 8 - Minimum Spanning Trees, Shortest Paths

06 April—12 April


Step 13

Algorithms Overview - Week 9 - Maximum Flow and minimum Cut, Radix Sort

13 April—17 April


Step 14

Algorithms Overview - Week 10 - Tries & substring search

18 April—19 April


Step 15

Algorithms Overview - Week 11 - Regular expressions & Data Compression

20 April—21 April


Step 16

Algorithms Overview - Week 12 - Reductions, Linear Programming, Intractability

21 April—22 April


Step 18

Leetcode Preparation - Week 0 | Arrays

23 April—26 April


Step 19

Leetcode Preparation - Part 1 | Two Pointers & Sliding Window

27 April—03 May


Step 20

Leetcode Preparation - Part 2 | Fast & Slow Pointers | In-place Linked List reversal

04 May—10 May


Step 21

Leetcode Preparation - Part 3 | Modified Binary Search

11 May—14 May


Step 22

Leetcode Preparation - Part 5 | BST & Trie

18 May—19 May


Step 25

Leetcode Preparation - Part 7 | Backtracking

20 May—31 May


Step 26

Leetcode Preparation - Part 8 | Top Interview questions

01 June—07 June


Step 27

Frontend Preparation

08 June—22 June


Step 28

System Design + Mock Interviews

23 June—05 July


Step 29

Behavioral Interview Preparation

06 July—12 July


Step 30

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | System Design

24 August—27 September


Step 33

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Coding

28 September—18 October


Step 34

Facebook Onsite - Day 1 [CODING]

26 October—26 October


Step 35

Facebook Onsite - Day 2 [System Design + Behavioral]

27 October—27 October


Step 36

Waiting for results - DONE

02 November—02 November


Step 37

Facebook Onsite - Day 3 [System Design]

03 November—07 December


Step 38

Waiting for Results

12 December—12 December


Step 11

Practice Graph Problems

29 March—05 April


Step 17

Algorithms Overview - Finish

21 April—22 April


Step 23

Leetcode Preparation - Part 6 | Trie | BST | Top K elements

18 May—19 May


Step 24

Leetcode Preparation - Part 4 | Binary Trees & Graph & BFS & DFS & Topological Sort


Step 31

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Theory


Step 32

Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Behavioral


Step 39


02 February 2020 13 December 2020
Goal completed 12 December 2020

Prepare for FAANG Interview

The reason behind this goal

I want to grow as a specialist in my sphere and live in the country where I will be socially secured and can rely upon laws which the country has. An opportunity to work in an International company should give me the motivation to explore new things and grow in different areas of IT. To be a successful software developer is to has the ability to do something valuable. Get a job in the international companies which are the top ones in their industry and can give the most relevant experience.

The location where I want to live:

I've decided to move to Canada, Vancouver. I like this city because it has many things that I love.

  1. Ecology - close to mountains, lakes, fresh air, and ocean.
  2. Much better social programs in comparison to the USA
  3. No Guns :)
  4. IT sector is quite developed, and many famous companies have their branch offices in Canada
  5. English language - several times I thought about Germany as a relocation country, but I realized that when you move to a new country, you want to be a part of society. This obliges you to learn German inevitably, which I am not ready to invest my time in.
  6. Close to the USA

Why making this goal public

"Life is for sharing" (c)
As one of the many developers who want to move to another country, I feel the lack of descriptive stories of how people get a job in the FAANG level companies. I hope this "diary" will help me in structuring my preparation process and, in the end, will serve as a plan for people who also want to choose such a path.

Companies I'd like to go for:

  • Amazon ( AWS )
  • Facebook
  • Apple
  • Microsoft

Author background:

  • MS Degree in CS
  • 5 years of experience in software development (both Front-End and Back-End)
  • Successfully accomplished several big projects well-known companies
  • Location: Saint-Petersburg

Target Role: Front-End Engineer
Telegram Channel for posting valuable info: https://t.me/frontend_engineer_blog

Helpful Material - ( My plan is to make this section live. I'll add more stuff later )


Algorithms and Data Structures - Topics


Algorithm Analysis - Big O, Time and Space Complexity

  1. 1-16 videos by Abdul Bari



  1. Union Find - Playlist
  2. Union Find problems I found worth solving:





Stack & Queues

Leet code problems:

  1. Baseball Game - 682
  2. Daily Temperature - 739
  3. Minimum Add to make Parathenses valid - 921
  4. Remove outmost parentheses - 1021
  5. Remove All adjacents duplicates in string - 1047
  6. Minimum remove to make parentheses valid - 1249

Divide & Conquer

Recurrent relations:

  1. video 18-25 from here


  1. https://www.sparknotes.com/cs/recursion/whatisrecursion/section2/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2_aWCzGMAwLz3g66WrxFGSXvSsvyfzCO

Merge & Quick Sort

Priority Queue, Binary Tree, Heap, Heap Sort

  1. video 14-18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLIRnUhknP0&list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu&index=
  2. video by Abdul Bari ( MUST SEE ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPJF2L5h9U&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=33&t=0s

Binary Search Trees, Red-Black BST, B-Trees, AVL-Trees

  1. B-Tree by Abdul Bari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZjYr87r1b8&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=77
  2. AVL Tree by Abdul Bari- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDM6_TnYIqE&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=76
  3. BST playlists by google engineer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfSdGQdAzq8&list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu&index=24

Hash Tables

  1. The data structure in pictures series: https://habr.com/ru/post/128017/
  2. Hash Table playlist: playlist

Graph Theory


  1. Graph Theory playlist: link
  2. Bipartite Graph - link
  3. pathfinding in graphs - link

Leetcode problems:

  1. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-the-town-judge/
  2. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-i/
  3. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/
  4. https://leetcode.com/problems/is-graph-bipartite/
  5. https://leetcode.com/problems/escape-a-large-maze/
  6. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-eventual-safe-s...


Other Material:

  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/ - Good DS theory
  2. ttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu - videos on DS topics by Google engineer
  3. https://leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/494279/comprehensive-data-structure-and-algorithm-study-guide - one of many guides for learning algo and ds
  4. https://www.educative.io/courses/coderust-hacking-the-coding-interview - some practical algo questions

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

All parts of preparation are done

 Personal resources

Experience, Motivation to go forward, Person, Family

 Goal ecological compatibility

This goal is the call of heart :)

  1. Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

    Be Prepared for War
    This is the most important part of my interview preparation and also the most time consuming one. If I am good at this topic, I can pass all interviews easy-cheesy. Most companies in North America love the algorithmics problems in the interview. Most of them actually from well-known websites such as LeetCode or HackerRank. But before I start solving problems from these sites, I need to make a "quick-refresher" for myself.

    Here is a short plan for that:

    1. Algorithms, Part I - Standford University - Coursera
    2. Algorithms, Part II - Standford University - Coursera
    1. Union Find - Quick Union Approach - Coursera

    2. Union Find - Quick Find Approach - Coursera

    3. Union Find - Path Compression

    4. Union find videos by Google Engineer

    5. Programming Assignment - Coursera

    6. Analysis of Algorithm - Coursera

    7. Time Complexity by Bari

  2. Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 Repeat Union Find

    It's impossible to keep in the head all the material that you've learned. So, you have to make refreshers regularly. The best way to remember is by applying your knowledge on a practical problem. For that, let's do a problem from LeetCode on Union Find Topic

    The task for a step:

    1. Refresh Last Week

    2. Regions Cut by slashes - https://leetcode.com/problems/regions-cut-by-slashes/

    3. Refactor - Regions Cut by slashes

    4. Upload Solution on GitHub and share in on leet code

    5. Let be friends - https://leetcode.com/problems/friend-circles/

    6. Friends circles - https://leetcode.com/problems/friend-circles/

    7. Redundant Connection - https://leetcode.com/problems/redundant-connection/

    8. Most Stones removed with same row or column - https://leetcode.com/problems/most-stones-removed-with-same-row-or-column/

  3. Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

    The second week of the course. Material to learn:

    • Stack, Queues
    • Sorting algorithms
    1. Stack and Queues

    2. Elementary Sort

    3. Data Structures By Google Engineer - Stack and Queues

    4. Implement Stack and Queue in JavaScript from scratch

    5. Solve 3 Easy LeetCode tasks applying Stack

    6. Solve 3 Easy LeetCode Tasks applying Queues

  4. Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge, Quick sort

    Continue to review sorting algorithms

    1. Merge Sort

    2. Abdul Bari videos 18-25 about Divide and Conquer

    3. Quick Sort

    4. Coursera Week 3 Assignment

    5. Abdul Bari's video on quick sort

  5. Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

    1) Make a sorting comparison table with a Time and Space Complexity
    2) No need for remembering algorithm implementation, but remember case for applying each of them.

  6. Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

    1. Priority Queues - Coursera

    2. Abdul Bari videos about PQ, Heap, Binary Tree

    3. Google Engineer videos about PQ

    4. 8 Puzzle - Coursera

    5. Elementary Symbol Table - Coursera

    6. DS Implementation

  7. Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

    Work on Tree data structure. I feel like I will spend a little more time on this topic.

    1. Balanced Search Trees

    2. Data Structure Implementation

    3. Abdul Bari - B-tree

    4. Abdul Bari - BST

  8. Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

    Work on HashTable

    1. HashTable - Coursera

    2. Symbol Table Applications

    3. Hash Table implementation

    4. Google Engineer playlist

  9. Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

    Update materials

  10. Algorithms Overview - Week 7 - Undirected and Directed graphs

    This is the beginning of the second part of the course. Graphs topic is quite a large one. I'll try to cover more information on it to make sure that I understand everything

    1. Undirected Graphs

    2. Directed Graphs

    3. Graph Theory by William Set (5 videos) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQA-m22wjTQ&list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsDGO4--qE8yH72HFL1Km93P&index=1

    4. Programming assignment - Word Net

    5. 2 Leet code problems on graphs

    6. Implement Graph DS

    7. Implement DFS

    8. Implement BFS

  11. Practice Graph Problems

    Repeat theory material by applying it to practical problems from leetcode.

    1. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-the-town-judge/

    2. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-i/

    3. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/

    4. https://leetcode.com/problems/is-graph-bipartite/

    5. https://leetcode.com/problems/escape-a-large-maze/

    6. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-eventual-safe-states/

  12. Algorithms Overview - Week 8 - Minimum Spanning Trees, Shortest Paths

    1. Minimum Spanning Trees

    2. Shortest Paths

    3. Programming Assignment - Seam Carving

    4. Compute Minimum Spanning Tree

    5. https://leetcode.com/problems/network-delay-time/

    6. https://leetcode.com/problems/cheapest-flights-within-k-stops/

  13. Algorithms Overview - Week 9 - Maximum Flow and minimum Cut, Radix Sort

    1. Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut

    2. Radix Sort

    3. Programming Assignment - Baseball Illumination

  14. Algorithms Overview - Week 10 - Tries & substring search

    1. Tries

    2. Substring search

    3. Programming Assignment - Boggle

    4. 2 Leetcode problems on topic

  15. Algorithms Overview - Week 11 - Regular expressions & Data Compression

    1. Regular expressions

    2. Data Compression

    3. Programming Assignment - Burrows-Wheeler

  16. Algorithms Overview - Week 12 - Reductions, Linear Programming, Intractability

    1. Reductions

    2. Linear Programming

    3. Intractability

  17. Algorithms Overview - Finish

    Party !)

  18. Leetcode Preparation - Week 0 | Arrays

    1. 54 Spiral Matrix
    2. 941 Valid mountain array
    3. 1089 Duplicate Zeros
    4. 48 Rotate Image
    5. 73 Set Matrix Zeros
    6. 283 move яeroes
    7. 485. Max consecutive ones
    8. 905. Sort Array By Parity
    9. 487. Max Consecutive Ones II
    10. 88. Merge Sorted Array
    11. 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array
    12. 977.Squares of Sorted array
    13. 1299. Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side
    14. 287. Find the duplicate number
    15. 79. Word Search
    16. 442. Find duplicates numbers
    1. Cracking Code Interview - Introduction

    2. Check-out https://leetcode.com/explore/featured/card/fun-with-arrays/

  19. Leetcode Preparation - Part 1 | Two Pointers & Sliding Window

    1. (1) Two Sum

    2. (83) Remove duplicates from sorted list

    3. (833) - Backspace string compare

    4. (977) - Squares of a sorted array

    5. (167) - Two Sum input array is sorted

    6. 3Sum - усложнение задачи two sum.

    7. 3SumClosest

    8. 713 - Subarray products less than K

    9. 209 - Minimum Size subarray Sum

    10. 424 - Longest Repeating character replacement

    11. 3. - Longest Substring without repeating character

    12. 159 - Longest Substring with at most 2 distinct characters

    13. 340 - Longest Substring with at most 2 distinct characters

    14. 904. Fruit Into Baskets

    15. 567 - Permutations

    16. 11 - Container with a most water

    17. 75 - Sort Colors

    18. 763 - Partition labels

    1. Two Pointers problem from https://seanprashad.com/leetcode-patterns/

  20. Leetcode Preparation - Part 2 | Fast & Slow Pointers | In-place Linked List reversal

    1. 707. Design Linked List
    2. 141. Linked List Cycle
    3. 142. Linked List Cycle II
    4. 876. Middle of the Linked List
    5. 2. Add Two Numbers
    6. 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists
    7. 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
    8. 206. Reverse Linked List
    9. 143. Reorder list
    10. 160. The intersection of Two Linked Lists
    11. 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List
    12. 203. Remove Linked List Elements
    13. 234. Palindrome Linked List
    14. 138. Copy List with Random Pointer
    15. 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
  21. Leetcode Preparation - Part 3 | Modified Binary Search

    1. 704. Binary Search
    2. 278. First Bad Version
    3. 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower
    4. 162. Find Peak Element
    5. 69. Sqrt(x) - необычное применение бинпоиска
    6. 50. Pow(x,n) -
    7. 349. The intersection of Two Arrays
    8. 350. The intersection of Two Arrays II
    9. 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
    10. 74. Search a 2D Matrix
    11. 240. Search a 2D Matrix II
    12. 152. Find peak element
    13. 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array
    14. 744. Find the smallest letter greater than the target
    15. 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
    16. 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
    17. 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
    18. 658. Find Closest K elements
  22. Leetcode Preparation - Part 5 | BST & Trie

  23. Leetcode Preparation - Part 6 | Trie | BST | Top K elements

    ✅ Trie

    • 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
    • 211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design
    • 642. Design Search Autocomplete System
    • 648. Replace Words
    • 677. Map Sum Pairs

    ✅ Top-K

    • 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
    • 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
    • 347. Top K Frequent Elements
    • 973. K Closest Points to Origin
  24. Leetcode Preparation - Part 4 | Binary Trees & Graph & BFS & DFS & Topological Sort

    ✅ Binary Trees

    • 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
    • 144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
    • 145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

    ✅ DFS

    • 100. Same Tree
    • 101. Symmetric Tree
    • 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 112. Path Sum
    • 226. Invert Binary Tree
    • 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
    • 250. Count Univalue Subtrees
    • 98. Validate Binary Search Tree
    • 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
    • 113. Path Sum II
    • 572. The subtree of Another Tree
    • 617. Merge Two Binary Trees
    • 654. Maximum Binary Tree
    • 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
    • 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
    • 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
    • 437. Path Sum III
    • 543. The diameter of the Binary Tree
    • 545. The boundary of Binary Tree
    • 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree

    ✅ BFS

    • 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
    • 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
    • 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
    • 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
    • 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 199. Binary Tree Right Side View
    • 637. Average levels of binary tree
    • 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree
    • 133. Clone Graph
    • 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
    • 863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

    ✅ Graphs - тут было проще. часть задач уже решал, разминаемся на простеньких:

    • 802. Find the Eventual Safe States
    • 997. Find the Town Judge
    • 743. Network delay time
    • 785. Is Graph Bipartite?
    • 787. Cheapest Flight within k stops

    ✅ Topsort

    • 207. Course Schedule
    • 208. Course Schedule II
    • 209. Graph Valid Tree
    • 210. Minimum Height Trees

    ✅ Union Find

    • 547. friend-circles
    • 684. redundant-connection
    • 947. most-stones-removed
    • 959. regions-cut-by-slashes
    • 200. Number of Islands
    • 323. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
  25. Leetcode Preparation - Part 7 | Backtracking

    • 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
    • 22. Generate Parentheses
    • 39. Combination Sum
    • 46. Permutations
    • 77. Combinations
    • 78. Subsets
    • 494. Target Sum
    • 784. Letter case permutation
    • 40. Combination Sum II
    • 47. Permutations II
    • 90. Subsets II
    • 216. Combination Sum III
    • 131. Palindrome Partitioning
  26. Leetcode Preparation - Part 8 | Top Interview questions

    ✅ Design

    • 146. LRU Cache
    • 155. Min Stack
    • 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

    ✅ Top-k-elements

    • 692 - Top K Frequent words

    ✅ Trie

    • 1268 - Search Suggestion System

    ✅ Min-PQ

    • 1167 - Minimum Cost to connect sticks

    ✅ Stack

    • 227 - Basic Calculator II

    ✅ Set, Map, Sort

    • 12. Integer to Roman
    • 13. Roman to Integer
    • 49. Group Anagrams
    • 819. Most Common Word
    • 937. Reorder Data in Log Files
  27. Frontend Preparation

  28. System Design + Mock Interviews

  29. Behavioral Interview Preparation

  30. Facebook Onsite - Preparation | System Design

    System Design is the most difficult part here. I'd like to prepare a technical document with a most common design problems

    1. Read Refactoring UI Book

    2. Read Accessibility for everyone

    3. Design Netflix

    4. Design Facebook

    5. Design News Feed

    6. Design Twitter

    7. Design Pininterest

    8. Design Facebook messenger

    9. Record Video - Facebook News Feed

    10. Record Video - PinInterest

    11. Record Video - Facebook Messenger

    12. Record Video - Netflix

  31. Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Theory

    Brush up the knowledge on https://javascript.info/

  32. Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Behavioral

  33. Facebook Onsite - Preparation | Coding

    Practice coding and Browser API
    2 Coding problems each day under 15-20 minutes.

    1. Solve all problems from - https://bigfrontend.dev/problem

    2. Solve all problems from - https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/?listId=7p59281&difficulty=Medium

    3. create `isPrime()` JavaScript

    4. create a tokenizer

    5. Virtual DOM I

    6. Virtual DOM II

    7. Implement a Stack by using Queue JavaScript

    8. merge identical API calls

    9. extract all anchor element from HTML string

    10. implement String.prototype.trim()

    11. implement your own `Object.create`

    12. Generate Fibonacci Number with recursion

    13. throttle Promises

    14. write your own `instanceof`

    15. Next Right Sibiling

    16. support negative Array index in JavaScript

    17. Generate Fibonacci Number

    18. implement `_.get()` JavaScript

    19. create a fake timer (setInterval)

    20. create an interval JavaScript

    21. convert snake_case to camelCase

    22. convert HEX color to RGBA

    23. get DOM tags

    24. create your own Promise

    25. add comma to number

    26. auto-retry Promise on rejection

    27. create your own `Function.prototype.call`

    28. create your own `new` operator

    29. get DOM tree height JavaScrip

    30. create an Observable JavaScript

    31. highlight keywords in HTML string JavaScript

    32. flatten Thunk

    33. write your own `extends` in es5

    34. create a fake timer(setTimeout)

    35. clearAllTimeout

    36. implement completeAssign()

    37. implement Object.assign()

    38. create a sum()

    39. find corresponding node in two identical DOM tree JavaScript

    40. implement a simple DOM wrapper to support method chaining like jQuery

    41. Implement a general memoization function - `memo()`

  34. Facebook Onsite - Day 1 [CODING]


  35. Facebook Onsite - Day 2 [System Design + Behavioral]


  36. Waiting for results - DONE

  37. Facebook Onsite - Day 3 [System Design]

  38. Waiting for Results

  39. OFFER ✅

  • 11153
  • 02 February 2020, 10:46
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