Етап 1

1st influencer


Етап 2

2nd influencer


Етап 3

3rd influencer


Етап 4

4th influencer


Етап 5

5th influencer


Етап 1

1st influencer


Етап 2

2nd influencer


Етап 3

3rd influencer


Етап 4

4th influencer


Етап 5

5th influencer

14 лютого 2020 21 лютого 2020
Ціль прострочена на 1538 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 4 року 2 месяця 24 дня

Автор мети

Бізнес та Фінанси

Invite 5 influencers in SmartProgress

My name is Alexey. For users, who don't know me - I'm partner of SmartProgress. My goal - to promote SmartProgress worldwide.

My current goal - invite 5 influencers, who could create network effect for SmartProgress.

I'll use my own network of contacts, also I'll make viral marketing through social networks.

Goal completion criteria - 5 influencers will create accounts, new goals and share it through social networks.

I'll invite influencers, who have active social profiles (Twitter, FB, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and etc.) with at least 5k subscribers or friends (for Telegram chats and channels selection criteria is at least 500 subscribers)

 Критерій завершення

5 influencers will be registered and create network effect

 Особисті ресурси

Personal network, viral marketing

  1. 1st influencer

    1st influencer created a goal and share it through social networks

  2. 2nd influencer

    2nd influencer created a goal and share it through social networks

  3. 3rd influencer

    3rd influencer created a goal and share it through social networks

  4. 4th influencer

    4th influencer created a goal and share it through social networks

  5. 5th influencer

    5th influencer created a goal and share it through social networks

  • 2706
  • 14 лютого 2020, 09:51


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