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Learn iOS to create iPhone apps. This iOS tutorial reviews app development from the ground up and requires only basic coding experience.
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Курс пройден
Level 1 App Anatomy
Together we'll write our first simple iPhone app and learn about the different parts of an app.
Level 2 Subviews
Placing buttons & labels on our screen.
Level 3 Tabs, Images, & Scrolling
Adding some tabs to switch between the different parts of our app, adding images, and learning about our scroll window.
Level 4 Navigation & Custom Buttons
Navigating between between different parts of our app, and creating custom buttons.
Level 5 Table View Controllers
Building out table views, a common part of any iPhone app.
Level 6 Networking
Connecting to the internet to fetch data and using NSDictionary.
- 1445
- 17 February 2014, 16:18
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