Etapa 1

Closely engage in a course on the study of web technologies


Etapa 2

Close if there are gaps left individually, for example, hooks in the React, DOM, or whatever


Etapa 3

Start collecting projects that will show the area of my work and the availability of skills


Etapa 4

Develop soft skills as best as possible, do not stop


Etapa 5

Find the first 5 clients to fill out the profile


Etapa 6

Freelancing, trying to maintain a balance between work and leisure


Etapa 1

Closely engage in a course on the study of web technologies


Etapa 2

Close if there are gaps left individually, for example, hooks in the React, DOM, or whatever


Etapa 3

Start collecting projects that will show the area of my work and the availability of skills


Etapa 4

Develop soft skills as best as possible, do not stop


Etapa 5

Find the first 5 clients to fill out the profile


Etapa 6

Freelancing, trying to maintain a balance between work and leisure

14 noviembre 2021 21 enero 2022
Objetivo vencido en % days%

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El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 2 años 7 meses 18 días


Become a freelance web developer!

I am a 2nd-year student at the university. Major in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Suddenly, I had a need to start implementing earlier, because there were some problems in living happily without finances.

I need to master the technologies for full-stack web development as best as possible, create a good portfolio, and start receiving the first money ASAP. At the university, from what could be useful, I had only the basics of UI/UX and Internet technology, where I was casually introduced to HTML/CSS/JS&React. Fortunately, this area is also interesting to me personally, so I am not afraid that I use programming only as a means to earn money. I also have fun.

 Criterio del fin

Getting the first money and feedback from satisfied customers:)

 Recursos personales

In my case, this is a joint responsibility, but I am clearly aware that I am primarily interested in this.

 Lo ecológico del objetivo

This is necessary to start growing in the IT field, to improve English skills, and, most importantly, to get money to rent a home together with a loved one!

  1. Closely engage in a course on the study of web technologies

    36 lessons for the beginning. 5 completed.

  2. Close if there are gaps left individually, for example, hooks in the React, DOM, or whatever

  3. Start collecting projects that will show the area of my work and the availability of skills

  4. Develop soft skills as best as possible, do not stop

  5. Find the first 5 clients to fill out the profile

  6. Freelancing, trying to maintain a balance between work and leisure

  • 416
  • 14 noviembre 2021, 10:56

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