Become a frontend developer in six months to a year
I have six months to a year to become a frontend developer. And learn eight hours a day every day. I made a rough plan that I will follow. Also every day I will have to make a push to github and learn English.
And so, my experience so far.
Basic CSS/HTML, JavaSCript, Webpack, Json, API, SCSS.
I have been studying for 3 weeks now. And now I'm focusing on JavaScript, I'll start learning it from the lowest level.
I have a roadmap that I will attach to posts.
Also I'm doing my own startup, a real project for commercial use, I'm learning from it
Every day there will be a post with a report of what I did today.
my linkedin -
in which I have already done reporting, but atm not very convenient.
Goal Accomplishment Criteria
To get into a company as a frontend developer
JavaScript Basis
variables let/const (es6)
Data Types - number, BigInt(es10) | string (Template String)(Interpolation)es6 | undefined | null | boolean | symbol(es6)
Data Types (Obj) - obj, array, function, new Date, new RegExp, new Error
Loop (for / while, do while)
Condtitional Statement if/ if else / switch | Conditional (ternary) operator | Operators | typeof dynamically [duplicate]
Types of functions ( Functions Declorations, Expression, Named Functions Expression, arrow fucntions (es6)
FUNCTIONS ( Recursion, call stack, Callback, execution context, visibility area, Scope)
FUNCTIONS (this --> call, apply, bind ) | Prototype --> Function() constructor, inheritance and the prototype chain)
OBJ,Prototype ( OOP --> Class es6, inheritance class)
OBJ, Prototype ( Operator new, Getters, Setters, Proxy, Mixins, functional objects, functors)
JavaScript Basic
Fetch API
English B1
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
Learn 50 new words a week
JavaScript Advanced+
JavaScript Basic
commercial development of the project - the site
Configure the webpack
early-interactiv, accordeon
2000+ hours of programming
1 month: 120h
2 month: 123,5h
3. month 85+-h
4. month 85+-h
- 3861
- 28 May 2022, 16:42
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