Goal frozen
Author of goal 21 June 2022 year froze this goal
a/A Open - Software Engineering - пройти курс полностью
Here's what you'll get
With App Academy Open you’ll get free access to App Academy’s entire 24 Week Online Software Engineering Program curriculum (that's over 500 hours of material!), which has placed thousands of people in software development jobs.
500 hours of full-stack online curriculum
This is the same curriculum taught in our 24 Week Online Software Engineering Program. You’ll learn everything full-stack from JavaScript to Python, and more.
Guidance on setting up your own coding environment
Don’t struggle for hours with setting up a coding environment. In one of the very first modules, we walk you through, step-by-step, exactly how to do just that.
A progress-oriented user interface and experience
The curriculum is organized in topic-based modules, with estimated completion times and progress bars for each lesson. So you won't lose track of where you left off.
Кому интересно -> https://www.appacademy.io/course/app-academy-open
Я посчитала, получается около 453 часов материала по их заявкам.
Решила заниматься по 2 часа в будний день и по 4 часа в выходные.
Это получится 26 недель (пол года)
Поехали! ;)
Getting Started at App Academy
Learning at App Academy
Introduction to Problem Solving I
JavaScript Fundamentals
Data Types
Intro to Functions
Control Flow
Setting Up Your Environment I
Setting up Your Computer
Getting to Know Your Computer
Intro to Source Control
HTML & CSS Fundamentals
Problem Solving
HTML Basics
CSS Basics
Intermediate HTML & CSS
HTML Forms
Intermediate CSS
HTML & CSS: Putting It All Together
Capstone Project
Потом заполню до конца :)
- 665
- 19 June 2022, 08:58
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