Етап 1

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design


Етап 2

Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate


Етап 3

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes


Етап 4

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts


Етап 5

Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma


Етап 6

Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD


Етап 7

Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs


Етап 1

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design


Етап 2

Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate


Етап 3

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes


Етап 4

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts


Етап 5

Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma


Етап 6

Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD


Етап 7

Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs

24 серпня 2022

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 1 рік 8 месяців 24 дня

Автор мети

Кар'єра та робота

Google UX Design Professional Certificate

 Критерій завершення

Закінчити усі теми курсу

  1. Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

    1. Introducing user experience design
    2. Thinking like a UX designer
    3. Joining design sprints
    4. Integrating research into the design process
  2. Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate

    1. Emphasizing with users and defining pain points
    2. Creating user stories and user journey maps
    3. Defining user problems
    4. Ideating design solutions
  3. Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes

    1. Storyboarding and wireframing
    2. Creating paper and digital wireframes
    3. Building low-fidelity prototypes
  4. Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts

    1. Planning UX research studies
    2. Conducting research with usability studies
    3. Analyzing and synthesizing research results
    4. Sharing research insights for better designs
  5. Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma

    1. Starting to create mockups
    2. Applying visual design principles to mockups
    3. Exploring design systems
    4. Participating in design critique sessions
    5. Creating high-fidelity prototypes
    6. Testing and iterating on designs
  6. Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD

    1. Starting the UX design process: Empathize and define
    2. Continuing the UX design process: Ideate
    3. Creating wireframes for a responsive website
    4. Creating and testing low-fidelity prototypes
    5. Creating and testing high-fidelity designs
    6. Documenting design work and searching for jobs
  7. Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs

    1. Starting the UX design process: empathize, define, ideate
    2. Creating wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes
    3. Creating mockups and high-fidelity prototypes
    4. Designing a complementary responsive website
    5. Finding a UX job
  • 189
  • 24 серпня 2022, 21:12


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