Spend the new-habits week
Things I need to do every day of this week:
- Morning routine: Wake up, go to the bath (wash my and daughter's face, clean my teeth with my daughter, brush my hair), make the bed, and put the nice clothes.
- Put all the things to their places (in the right area, at least).
- Cleaning the home environment: Choose one section for cleaning and throwing out the excess. Make this section looks nice.
- Left the kitchen clean for the night: Wash the dishes ALWAYS for the night. And clean all the surfaces.
Критерій завершення
I spent every day of this week with 4 new habits
Особисті ресурси
discipline, concentration
Екологічність мети
I want to run my changes very much
- 256
- 23 січня 2023, 22:11
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