Пройти курс норвежского языка на Duolingo
Пару лет назад начал курс норвежского на дуолинго, но в какой-то момент там сильно поменялся интерфейс и вообще идея приложения, поэтому временно забросил это дело. Сейчас узнал, что курс норвежского был сильно переработан, теперь это чуть ли не самый масштабный курс на сайте, превосходящий по числу уроков немецкий, например, так что есть смысл взглянуть, что интересного добавили. 2 дня на раздел – это довольно интенсивно (пробовал 1 день – ничего хорошего не вышло), но затягивать курс на полтора-два года тоже не хочется.
Критерий завершения
Все разделы курса закрыты на максимальном уровне
Unit 1.1
Order in a cafe, describe your family
Unit 1.2
Form basic sentences, greet other people
Unit 1.3
Order in a restaurant, describe your job
Unit 1.4
Describe your hobbies, say where you're from
Unit 1.5
Ask about other people, ask for directions
Unit 1.6
Shop at a grocery store, describe the weather
Unit 1.7
Describe your family, talk about hobbies
Unit 1.8
Describe language skills, talk about your home
Unit 2.1
Make plans with friends, discuss train travel
Unit 2.2
Talk about shopping, order at a restaurant
Unit 2.3
Use commands, talk about birthdays
Unit 2.4
Give health advice, describe people you know
Unit 2.5
Talk about interests, discuss events
Unit 2.6
Talk about your habits, describe shared housing
Unit 2.7
Discuss hotel stays, refer to extended family
Unit 2.8
Name food you like, discuss detailed plans
Unit 2.9
Plan to travel abroad, talk about your habits
Unit 2.10
Describe your job
Unit 2.11
Talk about shopping, discuss fashion
Unit 2.12
Plan for a party, talk with housemates
Unit 2.13
Use feminine nouns, plan a vacation
Unit 2.14
Discuss neighborhoods, form compound words
Unit 2.15
Invite someone to a party, talk about hobbies
Unit 2.16
Express obligations, describe opinions
Unit 2.17
Make excuses, ask for help
Unit 2.18
Talk about food, make holiday plans
Unit 2.19
Describe item locations, talk about a bad day
Unit 2.20
Describe the weekend, discuss fashion
Unit 3.1
Describe your vacation, ask about routines
Unit 3.2
Talk about animals, use spoken expressions
Unit 3.3
Help find a lost item, discuss university life
Unit 3.4
Make concert plans, describe your family
Unit 3.5
Discuss hopes and dreams, shop for a present
Unit 3.6
Talk to a doctor, share your memories
Unit 3.7
Arrange a house party, ask for a favor
Unit 3.8
Describe your job, order food delivery
Unit 3.9
Discuss rumors, talk about a dorm room
Unit 3.10
Express feelings, discuss travel plans
Unit 3.11
Talk about habits, discuss student life
Unit 3.12
Plan a trip to the movies, describe your job
Unit 3.13
Delegate chores, discuss life in Norway
Unit 3.14
Talk about nightlife, report an accident
Unit 3.15
Plan a dinner party, discuss fashion
Unit 3.16
Describe people, return a purchase
Unit 3.17
Express your opinions, discuss families
Unit 3.18
Talk about community, describe a vacation
Unit 3.19
Attend a May 17th parade, describe poor health
Unit 3.20
Book a hotel room, describe people
Unit 3.21
Talk about furniture, discuss a farm trip
Unit 3.22
Fill out an application, describe student life
Unit 3.23
Share your memories, ask for help shopping
Unit 3.24
Plan a trip to Oslo, describe recipes
Unit 3.25
Recite a fairy tale, make a phone call
Unit 3.26
Talk with coworkers, ask for tech support
Unit 3.27
Express feelings, describe health issues
Unit 3.28
Make dinner plans, discuss student life
Unit 3.29
Talk about conflict
Unit 3.30
Use adjectives as nouns, describe places
Unit 3.31
Discuss the springtime, talk about family
Unit 3.32
Convey your thoughts, express dates and times
Unit 3.33
Talk about obligations, use adverbs
Unit 3.34
Discuss summer plans, talk about farm life
Unit 3.35
Make polite requests, discuss royalty
Unit 3.36
Talk about animals, describe objects
Unit 3.37
Discuss other people, describe actions at home
Unit 3.38
Form compound words, describe your bedroom
Unit 3.39
Talk about hygiene, order at a restaurant
Unit 3.40
Discuss marriage, talk about transit
Unit 69
Describe personalities, talk about nature
Unit 70
Describe your job, use number phrases
Unit 71
Discuss winter plans, make predictions
Unit 72
Express desires, make comparisons
Unit 73
Discuss forms of waste, use the passive form
Unit 74
Discuss Nordic countries, describe shapes
Unit 75
Get by in a pharmacy, discuss travel plans
Unit 76
Talk about daily life, talk about Europe
Unit 77
Order at a sushi place, express feelings
Unit 78
Explain ideas, discuss other countries
Unit 79
Talk about the news, use advanced adjectives
Unit 80
Describe your job, report an accident
Unit 81
Describe technology, talk about gardening
Unit 82
Check out library books, make predictions
Unit 83
Make comparisons, describe your job
Unit 84
Plan a trip to a museum, convey your thoughts
Unit 85
Talk about the theater, share your memories
Unit 86
Talk about childhood, debate choices in life
Unit 87
Express feelings, discuss philosophy
Unit 88
Describe measurements, talk about religion
Unit 89
Discuss sports, talk about destiny
Unit 90
Send a package abroad, talk about nature
Unit 91
Describe the weather, talk about exercise
Unit 92
Talk about games, discuss literature
Unit 93
Get by in a hospital, talk about buildings
Unit 94
Discuss ideas, describe music
Unit 95
Talk about emergencies, comment on the arts
Unit 96
Use present participles, talk about politics
Unit 97
Describe your health, talk about the news
Unit 98
Discuss fashion, describe poor health
Unit 99
Discuss measurements, talk about government
Unit 100
Communicate online, talk about conflict
Unit 101
Describe music, describe the law
Unit 102
Plan a city adventure, discuss marine life
Unit 103
Discuss science, form the conditional
Unit 104
Name parts of the body, make predictions
Unit 105
Talk about crime, discuss student life
Unit 106
Talk about transit, describe your job
Unit 107
Express your identity, talk about food
Unit 108
Express feelings, use adverbs
Unit 109
Discuss outer space, describe tools
Unit 110
Tell fantastic stories, describe recipes
Unit 111
Discuss romance, talk about nature
Unit 112
Discuss current actions, discuss philosophy
Unit 113
Use advanced adjectives, describe languages
Unit 114
Talk about banking, discuss illnesses
Unit 115
Order dessert, express your regrets
Unit 116
Discuss marine life, talk about conflict
Unit 117
Discuss science, talk about transit
Unit 118
Discuss world history, describe materials
Unit 119
Talk about nature, describe languages
Unit 120
Talk about celebrations, discuss fantasy
Unit 121
Describe your job, talk about religion
Unit 122
Get by at the dentist, discuss nutrition
Unit 123
Reflect on delusions, help resolve conflict
Unit 124
Describe shapes, use advanced adjectives, convey your thoughts, talk about destiny
Unit 125
Discuss Nordic countries, talk about the news, plan a trip to a museum, use adverbs
Unit 126
Use number phrases, discuss travel plans, report an accident, share your memories
Unit 127
Discuss marriage, express desires, order at a sushi place, check out library books
Unit 128
Describe objects, talk about the fall, use the passive form, discuss other countries
Unit 129
Describe actions at home, talk about nature, describe music, talk about government
Unit 130
Use spoken expressions, discuss forms of waste, explain ideas, make comparisons
Unit 131
Make predictions, talk about Europe, talk about gardening, debate choices in life
Unit 132
Make predictions, describe tools, discuss illnesses, describe languages, use adverbs
Unit 133
Discuss winter plans, talk about daily life, describe technology, describe music
Unit 134
Talk about transit, make comparisons, express feelings, make predictions
Unit 135
Discuss other people, describe personalities, discuss sports, discuss ideas
Unit 136
Discuss measurements, name parts of the body, discuss outer space, describe your job
Unit 137
Discuss philosophy, discuss literature, talk about the news, discuss marine life
Unit 138
Talk about childhood, describe the weather, use present participles, discuss romance
Unit 139
Talk about banking, talk about nature, describe your job, talk about religion
Unit 140
Talk about exercise, talk about politics, describe the law, describe your job
Unit 141
Describe measurements, get by in a hospital, discuss fashion, discuss science
Unit 142
Talk about buildings, describe poor health, form the conditional, describe languages
Unit 143
Describe your bedroom, talk about nature, comment on the arts, talk about conflict
Unit 144
Get by in a pharmacy, describe your job, talk about the theater, communicate online
Unit 145
Talk about food, discuss philosophy, talk about transit, discuss nutrition
Unit 146
Describe materials, help resolve conflict, express feelings, use advanced adjectives
Unit 147
Send a package abroad, talk about emergencies, talk about crime, order dessert
Unit 148
Order at a restaurant, talk about nature, talk about conflict, talk about hygiene
Unit 149
Talk about animals, discuss royalty, use spoken expressions, discuss forms of waste
Unit 150
Form compound words, tell fantastic stories, discuss student life, describe recipes
Unit 151
Talk about celebrations, express your regrets, discuss fantasy, talk about transit
Unit 152
Express feelings, talk about games, describe your health, plan a city adventure
Unit 153
Discuss world history, reflect on delusions, express your identity, discuss science
Unit 154
Use number phrases, discuss travel plans, report an accident, share your memories
Unit 155
Discuss current actions, discuss marine life, discuss marriage, express desires
Unit 156
Describe objects, talk about the fall, use the passive form, discuss other countries
Unit 157
Describe actions at home, talk about nature, describe shapes, convey your thoughts
Unit 158
Describe your job, explain ideas, make comparisons, describe measurements
Unit 159
Talk about religion, get by at the dentist, make predictions, talk about Europe
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- 07 сентября 2023, 19:50
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