Етап 1

Form the structure of a story about my experience.


Етап 2

Study frequently used set expressions


Етап 3

Professional vocabulary - write down unfamiliar words, learn them, integrate them into speech


Етап 4

Work through a list of frequently asked questions with my answer to them.


Етап 1

Form the structure of a story about my experience.


Етап 2

Study frequently used set expressions


Етап 3

Professional vocabulary - write down unfamiliar words, learn them, integrate them into speech


Етап 4

Work through a list of frequently asked questions with my answer to them.

10 січня 2024 30 червня 2024
Ціль прострочена на 120 днів
Кар'єра та робота

Подготовка к интервью на английском \ Preparation for interviews in English

I contain myself to English environment and will speak English in this goal. Try to do the same please, if you want ask question or comment post.

I need to prepare for an interview in English, for this:

1) Form the structure of a story about my experience.

2) Study frequently used set expressions

3) Professional vocabulary - write down unfamiliar words, learn them, integrate them into speech

4) Work through a list of frequently asked questions with my answer to them.

 Критерій завершення

The structure of the interview has been worked out, I can write and tell my part of the interview with work experience and answers to popular questions.

 Особисті ресурси

time, money, internet, understanding of what needs to be done

 Екологічність мети

The goal is entirely up to me. The goal is set to achieve personal growth and develop my self-presentation skills in English.

  1. Form the structure of a story about my experience.

  2. Study frequently used set expressions

  3. Professional vocabulary - write down unfamiliar words, learn them, integrate them into speech

  4. Work through a list of frequently asked questions with my answer to them.

  • 395
  • 10 січня 2024, 17:22


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