Step 1

​Week Two – Module 2: Ruby on Rails


Step 2

Week Three – Module 3: Database Interactions


Step 3

Week Four – Module 4: The Ruby Programming Language


Step 4

Week Five – Module 5: Middleware


Step 5

Week One – Module 1: Introduction and Background


Step 6

Week Six – Module 6: Presentation/User Interface


Step 1

​Week Two – Module 2: Ruby on Rails


Step 2

Week Three – Module 3: Database Interactions


Step 3

Week Four – Module 4: The Ruby Programming Language


Step 4

Week Five – Module 5: Middleware


Step 5

Week One – Module 1: Introduction and Background


Step 6

Week Six – Module 6: Presentation/User Interface

24 March 2014 02 May 2014

Goal author

Knowledge & Skills

Coursera: Web Application Architectures

Курс по созданию веб-приложения на Ruby on Rails

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Шестинедельный курс успешно завершен.

  1. ​Week Two – Module 2: Ruby on Rails

    Lecture 1: Rails Overview

    Lecture 2: Your First Rails App

    Lecture 3: The Blog App – Iteration 1

    Lecture 4: Rails Philosophy

    Lecture 5: Version Control

    Lecture 6: Git and Rails

  2. Week Three – Module 3: Database Interactions

    Lecture 1: Relational Databases

    Lecture 2: Databases in Rails

    Lecture 3: The Active Record Design Pattern

    Lecture 4: The Blog App – Iteration 2 (Associations)

    Lecture 5: The Blog App – Iteration 3 (Validations)

  3. Week Four – Module 4: The Ruby Programming Language

    Lecture 1: Ruby Background

    Lecture 2: Classes and Inheritance

    Lecture 3: Objects and Variables

    Lecture 4: Strings, Regular Expressions and Symbols

    Lecture 5: Expressions and Control Structures

    Lecture 6: Collections, Blocks and Iterators

  4. Week Five – Module 5: Middleware

    Lecture 1: What is Middleware?

    Lecture 2: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Introduction

    Lecture 3: HTTP – Request

    Lecture 4: HTTP – Response

    Lecture 5: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern

    Lecture 6: Rails Controllers – Request Handling

    Lecture 7: Rails Controllers – Response

    Lecture 8: MVC Implementation in Rails

    Lecture 9: The Blog App – Iteration 4

  5. Week One – Module 1: Introduction and Background

    Lecture 1: Historical Perspective

    Lecture 2: What is a Web Application?

    Lecture 3: Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Application Architectures

    Lecture 4: Design Patterns

    Lecture 5: Setting up Your Development Environment

  6. Week Six – Module 6: Presentation/User Interface

    Lecture 1: Introduction and Background

    Lecture 2: HTML – Basic Syntax

    Lecture 3: HTML – Document Structure

    Lecture 4: HTML – Forms

    Lecture 5: Dynamic Content

    Lecture 6: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    Lecture 7: JavaScript and jQuery

    Lecture 8: Ajax

    Lecture 9: The Blog App – Iteration 5

  • 2374
  • 24 March 2014, 03:46
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