Etapa 1

Week One: What do you want? – Self Awareness


Etapa 2

Week Two: What can you offer? – Skills Awareness


Etapa 3

Week Three: Are you ready to find success? – Career Readiness


Etapa 4

Week Four: How do you express yourself? – Articulating Your Experiences


Etapa 5

Week Five: What impact do you make? – Making a Good Impression in Person


Etapa 6

Week Six: How do you build fruitful relationships? – Networking Online and in Person


Etapa 1

Week One: What do you want? – Self Awareness


Etapa 2

Week Two: What can you offer? – Skills Awareness


Etapa 3

Week Three: Are you ready to find success? – Career Readiness


Etapa 4

Week Four: How do you express yourself? – Articulating Your Experiences


Etapa 5

Week Five: What impact do you make? – Making a Good Impression in Person


Etapa 6

Week Six: How do you build fruitful relationships? – Networking Online and in Person

26 mayo 2014 31 julio 2014
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Rusia, Москва

10 año / año / año

Carrera y trabajo

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Расширьте ваши карьерные возможности и усовершенствуйте ваши способности к трудоустройству.

Записалась на курс на английском языке. Тренировка английского, позитивный курс, и хорошая база знаний. Надеюсь, что не брошу посреди занятий.

 Criterio del fin

Я прошла курс!

  1. Week One: What do you want? – Self Awareness

  2. Week Two: What can you offer? – Skills Awareness

  3. Week Three: Are you ready to find success? – Career Readiness

  4. Week Four: How do you express yourself? – Articulating Your Experiences

  5. Week Five: What impact do you make? – Making a Good Impression in Person

  6. Week Six: How do you build fruitful relationships? – Networking Online and in Person

  • 998
  • 26 mayo 2014, 04:50

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