Этап 1

Week 1 - Course Overview and Identifying the Teachable Moments

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 2

Week 2 - Creating Supportive Environments and Teaching Social Emotional Skills

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 3

Week 3 - Creating Supportive Environments

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 4

Week 4 - Solving the Behavior Equation

04 июля—16 июля


Этап 5

Week 5 - Developing Behavior Support

16 июля—05 августа


Этап 1

Week 1 - Course Overview and Identifying the Teachable Moments

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 5

Week 5 - Developing Behavior Support

16 июля—05 августа


Этап 2

Week 2 - Creating Supportive Environments and Teaching Social Emotional Skills

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 3

Week 3 - Creating Supportive Environments

04 июля—09 июля


Этап 4

Week 4 - Solving the Behavior Equation

04 июля—16 июля

04 июля 2014 05 августа 2014
Цель завершена 8 августа 2014

Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood Education

UWashingtonX: ECFS312x Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood Education

Learn the evidence-based models to promote social-emotional development for young children.

Many early childhood educators report feeling ill equipped to meet the needs of children with challenging behavior and frustrated in their attempts to develop safe and nurturing early learning environment. If you work with young children, you are not alone in your feelings! Increasing evidence suggests that an effective approach to addressing problem behavior is the adoption of a model that focuses on promoting social-emotional development, providing support for children’s appropriate behavior, and preventing challenging behavior. In this class, you will learn a framework for addressing the social and emotional development and challenging behavior of young children.

The overarching goal of this course is to learn evidence-based practices to support the social and emotional development of infants and young children. We will read current research on the developmental trajectory of children with early-onset aggressive behaviors; positive behavior support program models; and intervention efforts that promote positive early childhood mental health. Evidence-based classroom management skills will also be studied and you will leave the course with a solid understanding of how to design supportive environments. This course incorporates a community with which you can learn from others, share your own current approaches and discuss your attempts to incorporate the learnings of this course into your early childhood practice.

When you have finished this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify adult child interactions that are emotionally supportive and that build positive relationships.
  • Describe classroom management skills that prevent challenging behavior and increase active engagement in early learning.
  • Observe and record a functional behavior assessment of a child in an early care setting.
  • Write an individualized behavior support plan based on findings from the functional behavior assessment.

 Критерий завершения

Прошла весь курс

  1. Week 1 - Course Overview and Identifying the Teachable Moments

    0. Course Overview

    1. Week 1 Overview

    2. Week 1: Identifying the Teachable Moments that Support Young Children’s Social Emotional Competence

    Check Your Knowledge due Jul 08, 2014 at 23:30 UTC

    3. Resources for Week 1

  2. Week 2 - Creating Supportive Environments and Teaching Social Emotional Skills

    1. Week 2 Overview

    2. Week 2: Building Positive Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments

    Check Your Knowledge

    3. Resources for Week 2

  3. Week 3 - Creating Supportive Environments

    1. Week 3 Overview

    2. Week 3: Creating Supportive Environments: Schedules, Routines and Transitions

    Check Your Knowledge due Jul 08, 2014 at 23:30 UTC

    3. Resources for Week 3

  4. Week 4 - Solving the Behavior Equation

    1. Week 4 Overview

    2. Week 4: Teaching Social Emotional Skills – Emotional Literacy

    Check Your Knowledge due Jul 15, 2014 at 23:30 UTC

    3. Resources for Week 4

  5. Week 5 - Developing Behavior Support

    1. Week 5 Overview

    2. Week 5: Teaching Social Emotional Skills – Controlling Anger and Impulse

    Check Your Knowledge due Aug 05, 2014 at 23:30 UTC

    3. Resources for Week 5

  • 2573
  • 04 июля 2014, 12:29


resignedangel8 авг. 2014, 18:08

Кто не успел - тот опоздал...

Но курс хорош, будет повтор - возьму обязательно.

Elena Ruprecht14.08.2015

это курсера?

Дневник цели


Vera Karasjova07.05.2015

расскажите что за курс?


Запись к этапу «Week 4 - Solving the Behavior Equation»

resignedangel11 июля 2014, 20:14

Закончила 4ю неделю.


Запись к этапу «Week 3 - Creating Supportive Environments»

resignedangel6 июля 2014, 09:30

В воссторге просто. Все супер, куча идей и лайфхаков.


Каво (^_-)


Nick, WTF does it mean?




Запись к этапу «Week 2 - Creating Supportive Environments and Teaching Social Emotional Skills»

resignedangel5 июля 2014, 17:22

Хорошо, но тоже не достаточно глубоко. Хотя много практических фич - посохраняла все ресурсы себе в эверноут.


Запись к этапу «Week 1 - Course Overview and Identifying the Teachable Moments»

resignedangel5 июля 2014, 14:00

Пока все очень "по верхам", но интересно мне как маме очень. Надеюсь остальные недели будут глубже.

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