Применять систему Флайледи. Третья неделя. Зона 3: Ванная и Постирочная
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Обе комнаты чистые и избавлены от хлама. Давно пора:)
For today your mission is to declutter the empty bottles and used up bars of soap that are taking up space in your tubs and showers. This is a quick mission, just toss toss toss.
For the other room today, do the same thing in your laundry room. Toss the empty soap containers, fabric softner bottles and boxes. The empty spray bottles and bleach containers.
А также:
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- 7 П (полить цветок)
For the bathroom your mission is to do toss old towels and linens that just plain worn out! Toss them out of your bathroom linen closets! You can donate these items to animal shelters and kennels.
For the laundry room you are to go diving behind the washer and dryer for those lone socks and dust bunnies that seem to multiply when they are back there!
- стирка
- 7П (вытереть пыль)
- планирование:
- меню
- выходные
- дела вне дома на Чт
It is anti-procrastination day and it is time toss the old cosmetics that are out of date and out of fashion. Trust me very few people can get away with powder blue eye shadow and orange lipstick. Let go of these items that you have been hanging onto because "someday" you might use them. It is time to reward yourself for all of your decluttering with a new lipstick or lotion.
For the Laundry room, mate up those old socks or toss them! If they haven't found their mate by now consider them legally separated and toss them out the door!
- стирка
- пропылесосить (из 7П)
- одно дела из Списка Незавершенных Дел
Your bathroom mission for today is to assess your supplies in the bathroom. It is errand day and make a list of the items that you need to stock your bathroom. Do you need toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, soap or shampoo? Remember, nothing says "I Love You" like having enough toilet paper!
For the Laundry Room, do the same thing. Do you need laundry soap, bleach or fabric softner?
- стирка
- помыть пол (из 7П)
- дела вне дома
It is the last day in the bathroom and laundry room. Congrats on working hard all week!
For the bathroom you are to shine your tub and sink. This is not hard, just shine them the same way you shine your kitchen sink! Do not obsess, just scrub, spritz and shine.
For the laundry room, wipe down your washing machine and dryer. It is amazing at how dirty these machines can get and we don't even realize it! No big deal here, just grab a general purpose cleaner and a rag. Spray and wipe. Do not get sidetracked with this. Just spray and wipe!
- стирка
- поменять постель и полотенца (из 7П)
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- выбросить весь мусор
- 1422
- 10 ноября 2014, 18:07
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