Etapa 1

Unit 1 - Introduction to Mobile App Analytics


Etapa 2

Unit 2 - Attracting New Users


Etapa 3

Unit 3 - Measuring behavior


Etapa 4

Unit 4 - Increasing revenue


Etapa 5

Analytics Academy Unplugged with Fontaine Foxworth


Etapa 1

Unit 1 - Introduction to Mobile App Analytics


Etapa 2

Unit 2 - Attracting New Users


Etapa 3

Unit 3 - Measuring behavior


Etapa 4

Unit 4 - Increasing revenue


Etapa 5

Analytics Academy Unplugged with Fontaine Foxworth

13 diciembre 2014 18 diciembre 2014
Objetivo completado 17 diciembre 2014

Autor del objetivo


Ucrania, Киев

39 año / año / año

Conocimientos y Destrezas

Mobile App Analytics Fundamentals (курс от Google Analytics Academy)

Mobile App Analytics Fundamentals is designed to help mobile app developers and marketers understand how to use Google Analytics to make their apps more discoverable and profitable.

Надо получить сертификат - работодатели любят когда они от Гугла)))

  1. Unit 1 - Introduction to Mobile App Analytics

    1. Welcome to the course
    2. Marketing and analysis tools
    3. App revenue models
    4. Starting with a measurement plan
    5. Tools to set up tracking
    6. Assessment 1
  2. Unit 2 - Attracting New Users

    1. Acquisition channels
    2. Acquisition reports
    3. High-value users
    4. Segmentation and user attributes
    5. Assessment 2
  3. Unit 3 - Measuring behavior

    1. Behavior reports overview
    2. Screen tracking
    3. Event tracking
    4. Custom dimensions and metrics tracking
    5. Enhanced Ecommerce tracking
    6. Assessment 3
  4. Unit 4 - Increasing revenue

    1. Identifying roadblocks to revenue
    2. Re-engaging existing users
    3. Remarketing to new and existing users
    4. Course Summary
    5. Assessment 4
    6. Post-Course Survey
  5. Analytics Academy Unplugged with Fontaine Foxworth

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  • 2455
  • 13 diciembre 2014, 07:46

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