Step 1

Pass the CBAP Exam


Step 2

Prepare for the CBAP Exam


Step 3

Origin for preparation and experience


Step 1

Pass the CBAP Exam


Step 2

Prepare for the CBAP Exam


Step 3

Origin for preparation and experience

03 February 2015

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 9 years 7 months 13 days

Goal author


Getting CBAP Certification

The Certified Business Analysis ProfessionalTM(CBAP) designation is a professional certification for individuals with extensive business analysis experience. With at least 7500 hours of hands-on BA experience, CBAP®recipients are the elite, senior members of the BA community.Withthousands of individualsall over the world achieving the CBAP® designation since the first Certified Business Analysis exam was held in November 2006, CBAP® recipients are experts in identifying the business needs of an organization in order to determine the best solutions. More and more companies are recognizing the CBAP® designation and the value and expertise these professionals bring to their organizations.

You will want to consider the many professional benefits of earning the CBAP® certification if you have an advanced level of knowledge and experience and are working in any of the following roles:

  • Business analysis
  • Systems analysis
  • Requirements analysis or management
  • Process improvement
  • Consulting
  1. Pass the CBAP Exam

    Sit for the exam and do your best. If you do not pass the exam the first time, you can schedule a second exam within one calendar year of your application approval.

    Take a few days and celebrate your success. You’ve earned it! Stay involved in the profession and in your own professional development. Re-certification is necessary every 3 years to stay a CBAP.

    The journey to CBAP or CCBA certifications can be overwhelming. It’s important to stay motivated and focused. This entertaining story of one business analyst’s journey to the CBAP will keep you going when the going gets tough.

  2. Prepare for the CBAP Exam

    The advice I keep hearing is that once your application is approved, schedule an exam for 2-3 months out. You can always reschedule the exam or, if you take the exam and do not pass, you can schedule to take it again within one calendar year of your application approval. Scheduling an exam promptly helps keep you motivated through the home stretch.

    In week 8 of my journey, I scheduled the CBAP exam for about 1 month out, the week after I finished my CBAP prep course. (I had dove right into step 7 after submitting my application and so had a running head start.)

    As you prepare to sit for the exam, you need to ensure your knowledge of theBABOK can be recalled effectively.

    There are a variety of ways to assimilate the information, from study guides to prep courses.

    • If you study best independently, then a study guide or workbook might be a useful part of your prep process. I personally am a big fan of BA Mentor’s CBAP® & CCBA™ Workbook as it helps you actively read the BABOK.
    • Exam simulations and flash cards can help confirm your assimilation of the knowledge.
    • CBAP prep courses can walk you through the BABOK and provide a forum for addressing any doubts and concerns you have.

    Personally, in addition to practically rewriting out the BABOK to assimilate the knowledge and terminology, I found CBAP exam simulators to be a critical piece of my preparation. In week 3 of my journey, I share my first brush with exam simulations. By week 9, I became frustrated with exam simulators, but after passing the exam, I realized the simulators I used helped me prepare for the more, shall we say, counter-intuitive aspects of the CBAP exam.

  3. Origin for preparation and experience

    Preparing for the CBAP starts with understanding the content of the BABOK. The BABOK is a dense text. It’s likely that several readings will be required to fully appreciate the information contained within it.

    Applying for the CBAP requires 5 years (7,500 hours) of business analysis experience, as defined by the BABOK. You must also demonstrate 900 hours of experience across at least 4 of the 6 knowledge areas.

  • 2096
  • 03 February 2015, 08:00
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