Етап 1

First month

30 березня—30 квітня


Етап 1

First month

30 березня—30 квітня

29 березня 2015 31 травня 2016
Ціль прострочена на 2924 дня

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 9 месяців 20 днів


Teach myself how to code efficiently and obtain First Certificate in English (FCE).

My ultimate goal is to become a programmer in a foreign company.

So I decided to split my aim up into two related pieces: coding and english learning.

Coding: Prior to this resolution, I've had several futile attempts to learn programming. I've comprehended some basic concepts of coding during my university years. Then two years later I tried to learn HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX. I've accomplished a few courses on these languages but all to no avail. This experience gave me invaluable understanding what I'd like to do in the future though. I believe that developing software is my calling. That's why I've decided to master Java. Yes, I'm a dummy now; yes, I've got a whole lot to traverse through. And yet, I feel that I'm able to handle it. I have a friend who agreed to be my mentor, of sorts. So I'm not alone in this journey. :)

Approximately a month ago I took to learning Java. So far, I've accomplished first course on udemy.com called "Java for Complete Begginers". My next step is going to be reading "Java. The complete reference" by Herbert Schildt. In addition to this, I will be watching this tutorial on YouTube youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7E8B7F4856C9B19, taking online tests, and practising coding on my own. I concede that lots of difficulties are going to crop up and I'll have to stand up against obstacles, but as one sage adage says : "One who wants to eat the fruit must climb the tree.".

Learning English: I've been learning English for 1,5 years but my intense learning started 8 month ago. I'd been attending English classes for 9 month and it was awful. Upon accomplishing classes, I'd obtained little knowledge and squandered a significant amount of time and money. Only later did I realized that English is the subject that anyone can learn on their own. Thanks to the internet, any content in English became easily attainable. I practise writing and speaking with native speakers from the USA and the UK via Skype; since I enjoy reading very much, I've resolved to read books only in English and I feel that it's boosting my vocabulary immensely. I learn new words via so called flashcards. It's widely known that each grown English native speaker has some 15,000 words under the belt. I have calculated that if I adhere to the plan of learning at least three piles of new words per week, I will have proper vocabulary to consider myself fluent in English. As to grammar , I've already read "English Grammar in Use" and "Advanced Grammar in Use". I'm currently perusing "Destination B2" by Malcolm Mann. Every week I read two units and take a test after these units. I consider the result acceptable if I have no fewer than 45 out of 50 points. I'm willing to give myself a year more to get prepared for taking FCE exam. That's why I'm goint to keep this diary in English. :)

But there's one thing that takes my time and holds me back - university. I'm currently getting a Master's degree but I'm absolutely uninterested in subject I'm majoring in. However, I'm ready to give some time to the course and, insofar as it's possible, derive benefit from it.

One may ask: how are you supposed to find a job in a foreign company? The answer is plain and simple - through internship. Some companies, AISEC for instance, provide young people with internships abroad.

I admit that my goals are fairly hard ones but nevertheless I mean to succeed.

A bold onset is half the battle

 Критерій завершення

1) getting a position of Junior Java Developer

2) obtaining First Certificate in English (FCE).

  1. First month


    Start to read "Java. The complete reference".

    I don't intend to read a lot as I decided to divide my time in the following way:

    60% - coding;

    35% - reading;

    5% - tests;


    Expected results in a month:

    - 10 more (20 in total) units are completed;

    - 12 piles of new words are learned;

    - 2 books are read.

    I cannot describe precisely all details because I haven't worked out fully how this web-site is working. May be in a month description will be more accurate :)

  • 2716
  • 29 березня 2015, 15:23


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