Pass TOEFL certification
Pass a TOEFL certification exam http://www.ets.org/toefl/
Frozen goal: Creation of own soldering station.
Soldering will be a pleasant and high-quality.
Read "Spring in Action, 4th edition"
The book describes a popular Java framework - Spring. This is latest edition - published by Manning in 2014, 569 pages, in English
ходить в зал 30-40 раз за 3 месяца
пройти курс Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action
Весьма спонтанная цель, хотя почему бы и нет.
Буду знать о себе чуть больше и это круто.
Step out of my comfort zone everyday. Выходить из зоны комфорта ежедневно.
You can give me advice, share your own opinion, experience, thoughts, ideas. I don't have many resources - I almost don't have money and imagination. So, you are welcome :) Dew to my experiment I want to develop imagination and to move back my fears, constraint, uneasiness, inconvenience.
Languages: Russian, English, French.
City: Paris, France.
Thoughts during experiment:
I think I need this experiment for do not sitting at home and go out every day, do something new and defeat my laziness.
Собираюсь развивать своё воображение, с удовольствием почитаю советы (так как для заданий у меня мало ресурсов - почти нет денег и мало воображения) и мысли на эту тем...
Learn the basics of HTML
I want to be a full stack developer. I'll try first to learn how properly develop sites. The first step is to learn HTML.
Career & Work
IGStat - приложение Android для пользователей Instagram: статистика, маркетинг, развлечение
Инстаграм (далее ИГ) достаточно большая и интересная по контенту и аудитории социальная сеть.
Мне самому, как активному пользователю, уже не говоря про тех, кто активно занимается маркетингом в ИГ, хотелось бы иметь здесь функции статистики и автоматизации. Я перепробовал много приложений для этого, пользуюсь одним из них на платной основе, и все же мне не хватает, есть желание сделать некоторые вещи по другому. А так же есть еще однa часть - развлекательная, которой я не видел еще нигде.
Даже больше чем другие социальные сети, ИГ эксплуатирует такие человеческие слабости как тщеславие, желание повыпендриваться и посоревноваться :) И мне кажется, последнее нужно развить: что если добавить дополнительные элементы геймификации? Я хочу создать алгоритм, который позволит оценива...
Move to New Zealand
I want to leave the homeland, which does not meet my requirements for civil liberties and safety. During this journey I will be accompanied by my awesome girlfriend, and we will be satisfied only when we find a new great place on the globe to live and work. Considering the rapid deterioration of the situation in our country, we should leave in the summer 2015.
So, we have opted for New Zealand (NZ) with its magnificent nature, healthy lifestyle, English as an official language, and brisk immigration policy. As none of us has chances to apply for immigration to NZ and we both have on illusions about finding a job from abroad, the only remaining way is Study to Work. Thus, this goal is limited by studying in NZ.
Knowledge & Skills
To present a very inspiring speech
I want to become one of the best-class organizers of the world-famous events. For that I need to be a very powerful speaker - to motivate and inspire people around me. That is why I joined Toastmasters International, because this non-profit worldwide organization helps people to train their public speaking and leadership skills. At the current moment I want to receive a Competent Communicator award. For that I need to present an inspirational speech in front of Moscow Toastmasters at the meeting of one of the English-speaking Clubs: Moscow Free Speakers, Toastbusters or WorldSurfers.
My presentation should reach the following objectives:
- To inspire the audience by appealing to noble motives and challenging the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement
The goal is to pass JPR-960 and to become JNCIE-SP in 2016. Right now I just passed my JNCIP-SP (2015), also I have some experience as a senior network engineer and some Cisco (CCNP, CCIP) background which may (or may not?) help me.
Speak Spanish
Now I'd like to develop a habit to devote at least 1 hour to learn Spanish.
Here is my plans and rules.
Rule 1. Learning Spanish not less than 1 hour per day, but regularly every day. As I’m now taking graduate level classes in Economics and involving in an absolutely amazing project (which hopefully you will see very very soon) I don’t have much spare time. So, I oblige myself to devote at least 1 hour per day; also to use all my time when I’m walking to campus, waiting in a line, when I “desire” and “need” to go to Facebook or other killers of my time.
Rule 2. In my experience, starting to learn a language by memorizing the rules and grammar points has triggered my progress in English. Even these days, I’m not fluent in English and make many mistakes. However, afte...
Eloquent JavaScript
This is a book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital.
Study Chinese up to elementary level
Study at least 60 minutes in the morning
https://www.coursera.org/learn/chineseforbeginners... + the book
find an English speaking penfriend from China
Meditate regularly
Read the article
simple read
Personal development
Practice with Unity through tutorials and books!
To have 10 posts in my blog
Blogging. To build business retutation, PR specialists recommend to use a variety of tools such as blogging and recently, microblogging. It allows the people to create and maintain a business networking with the target audience as well as establish a two-way communication.
The sources of the articles will not be just abstract ideas, I take an active part in StackOverflow I will take the most interesting questions I took a part in from there, but mainly topics will be related to Oracle and Oracle Technologies.
I've begun a blog at the blogger service and I've written two articles so far. I assume, I will create at least an article a week.
To earn 5000 reputation points on the site StackOverflow.
Last time I've reached 1000 reputation points for about a month, but then I didn't know how to use StackOverflow well. Now I know a lot about StackOverflow features and I guess I will reach my goal sooner.
My profile
Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood Education
UWashingtonX: ECFS312x Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood Education
Learn the evidence-based models to promote social-emotional development for young children.
Many early childhood educators report feeling ill equipped to meet the needs of children with challenging behavior and frustrated in their attempts to develop safe and nurturing early learning environment. If you work with young children, you are not alone in your feelings! Increasing evidence suggests that an effective approach to addressing problem behavior is the adoption of a model that focuses on promoting social-emotional development, providing support for children’s appropriate behavior, and preventing challenging behavior. In this class, you will learn a framework for addressing the social and emotio...