El día 12
27 mayo 2017, 16:05

₪ Глава II - Продолжение. Мировоззрение Бойца... → Priority
to check/take sb's blood pressure - If you have headache, you should check your blood pressure.
to have sb's blood on your hands - You are responsible for this, blood is on your hands!
make sb's blood boil - Neigbours that singing karaoke at night make my blood boil.

make sb's blood run cold - That creepy noise at night made my blood run cold
like getting blood out of stone - Make my sister to do something she doesn't want is like getting blood out of stone.
be after sb's blood - John is such unbearable, so it would not be a surprise if there is somebody who is after John's blood.

sb's blood is up - Today I regret about it, but yesterday my blood was up
sweat blood -I was sweeted blood over this task.
Total coins: 4000

Rating: 15

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