Етап 1

Week 1: Introduction and Balance Sheet


Етап 2

Week 2: Accrual Accounting and the Income Statement


Етап 3

Week 3: Cash Flows


Етап 4

Week 4: Ratio Analysis and Final Exam


Етап 5

Составить глоссарий


Етап 6

Получить сертификат


Етап 1

Week 1: Introduction and Balance Sheet


Етап 2

Week 2: Accrual Accounting and the Income Statement


Етап 3

Week 3: Cash Flows


Етап 4

Week 4: Ratio Analysis and Final Exam


Етап 5

Составить глоссарий


Етап 6

Получить сертификат

29 листопада 2015 04 січня 2016
Ціль прострочена на 3245 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 10 месяців 11 днів

Автор мети

Ekaterina Filomena25

Росія, Новосибирск

45 Рік / року / років


Introduction to Financial Accounting

Master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and learn how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to read the three most common financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.

 Критерій завершення

I have completed the course and got a certificate.

  1. Week 1: Introduction and Balance Sheet

    1. Introduction
    2. Financial Reporting
    3. Balance Sheet Equation, Assets, Liabilities, and Stockholders' Equity
    4. Debit and Credit Bookkeeping
    5. Relic Spotter Case
    6. 3M Company: Tour of an Annual Report
    7. Homework
  2. Week 2: Accrual Accounting and the Income Statement

    1. Revenues and Expenses
    2. Relic Spotter Case, Part 3
    3. Adjusting Entries
    4. Relic Spotter Case, Part 4
    5. Financial Statements and Closing Entries
    6. 3M Company: Income Statement and Balance Sheet
    7. Homework
  3. Week 3: Cash Flows

    1. Operating, Investing, and Financing Cash Flows
    2. Statement of Cash Flows
    3. More SCF Topics and EBITDA
    4. 3M Company: Cash Flows
    5. Homework
  4. Week 4: Ratio Analysis and Final Exam

    1. Overview of Ratio Analysis
    2. Plainview Technology Case
    3. 3M Company: Ratios
    4. Final Exam
  5. Составить глоссарий

  6. Получить сертификат

  • 1365
  • 29 листопада 2015, 08:28


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