Дневник цели

Hey there,
I'm still listening, but I don't write hours.
Everything okay, I watch series, listen to podcasts - usual stuff.

Over 100 hours
Well, another goal that I tried to achieve but I don't see the point in this anymore. That doesn't mean that I don't listen to anything and can't reach the goal. No. The counting became too tedious. I developed a habit of listening to podcasts, and I enjoy it and look forward to some of them. I like visiting my family and there used to be this one pity thing in it: they live in a distant suburb and it gets me 1.5 hour to get there. Now it means that I should download more dope podcasts on my phone.
My favorite podcasts are:
- freakonomics radio - didn't like this one that much in the beginning, but now love it. They've got shitton of recorded podcasts on a very wide range of topics.
- invisibilia - definetely check it out, they've just 6 or 8 full episodes recorded. They made first two episodes just perfectly: exciting and all., but in the later ones they declined to the mediocre level.
- hardcore history - I made it only through 2 episodes. Not to say it's bad, but it's just too serious and requires some level of attention, and I still can't craft enough "special time" to dive into it. Pretty educational and goddamn entertaining. I never had a single thought about history, Now I'm all about it. I mean, I even made a summary of the episodes I listened to, using wikipedia articles and diggind into the topic that has no benefits to me.
- hello internet - liking it less and less. It provides zero knowledge, I'm just listening to two dudes talking about everything they find interesting.
Leave the comment below with your favorite podcasts, I want to get some diversity in my list.
Also, it took me 3 seasons of ol' good Futurama to realize that I gotta download Netflix, what I did in this week, and I love shit out of it! It's actually the main reason why I don't care for counting anymore. 1000 freaking hours? Just give me enough time to binge watch a couple of series.

75,5+8,5 = 84h
I keep listening to podcasts and watching "futurama" in the evenings. Lately I listen more frequently to freakonomic radio podcast.

52+13.5 = 65.5h
It's been awhile since my last post here, I kept listening all that time tho.
Lately I'm consciously ditching my web-browsing activity, so I started watching shit more. I still stick with ol' good Futurama, going through middle of 2nd season right now.
A couple of days ago I was looking into Netflix subscription, and was quite positive about that, but then I came home and my home internet connection was gone! Hopefully we'll settle it tomorrow.

46.5+5.5 = 52h
Yay, 50 hours mark is behind! It's like the whole 5% of goal is done!
I started to watch a cartoon called "futurama'. It's obvious decision, because I remember how I tried it about a year ago and how many new words I got and what a struggle it was to keep listening while you can't grasp all the conversations and how it doesn't allow you to be truly engaged in the show. I'll roll with it for a first season, then I'll throw in some other series, maybe some for adults or something.
And I got a bread choice of podcasts to listen to! Given the fact that I listen to them for about an hour on a daily basis, diversity really helps. Listening to the same casters everyday can get tedious very quickly, regardless how entertaining they are.

40+6.5 = 46.5h
Invisibilia will be my next recommendation. Pretty cool podcast, about psychology.

+3 = 40h
New podcast in my set: freakonomic radio. I found that if you listen to the same podcast narrated by the same people 3-4 consecutive days, you stop paying attention to them. So I gotta rotate my list of podcasts. I'm going to add up a couple more, we'll see who will survive.

+6.5 = 34 hours of listening. Out of one thousand.
I don't listen to podcasts in the gym anymore, they're distracting.
I don't count yoga lessons anymore, because it's cheating.
I just listen to podcasts while commuting. I should watch movies.