В данной цели вывод еще проще: не только дисциплинированности 0, но еще и лени вагон и целая тележка..надо брать себя в руки!!!!
Дневник цели
что то я совсем обленилась, 30 минут в Лингвалео - не радует
I couldn't write yesterday because of internet (I was in village). I hope I wouldn't be deleted in first day.
I read Harry Potter 2 hours yesterday because exept reading I couldn't do anything (very bad without Internet)
So,today I decided to do English in the morning. It's really the best time for studing. I've watched 9th seria of "Friends". I've started to enjoy it, it'so funny) I also searched the book on English which would be intrerested for me. I stopped on Harry Potter, but after 20 minutes of reading I understood that it's boring for me. So I still research not difficult but useful book for reading. conversation with myself was about my job, but I think it worth to find english-speaker for dialog. It'll be more effective.
It was learned:
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Adjectieves as nouns and Adjectieve order:
Opinion - size - age - shape - colour - pattern - origin - matereal NOUN
Words - I won't write them here but I'll write phrases:
change horses in midstream
to pick on smb