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Ршил в плотную заняться английским. Так как понял что в жизни это дейсвительно очень нужно
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Present simple
Освоить простое время
Future Simple
Past simple none-action verbs
Past tenses: simple, continious,perfect
Future forms: going to,present continius, will/shall
Present perfect and past simple
Present perfect continius
Comparatives and superlatives
Must, have to, should (obligation)
must, may,migth,can`t (deduction)
Can, cuold, be able to
First conditionalan future time clauses + when, until, etc
Second conditional
Usually an used to
A/an the, no article
Gerunds and infinitives
Repoeted speech: statements questions, and commands
Passive: be + past participle
Relative clauses: defifing and non-defining
Third condinional
Question tags, indirect questions
Phrasal verbs
Intermediate test
- 1271
- 24 вересня 2016, 14:50
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