Etapa 1

Basic English for Computing


Etapa 2

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again


Etapa 3

The Wife of Monte Cristo


Etapa 4

Monte-Cristo (filmography)


Etapa 5

English for Information Technology (Elementary)


Etapa 6

The Time Machine


Etapa 7

The Invisible Man


Etapa 8

The Giver


Etapa 9

Interview with the Vampire


Etapa 10

The Selection


Etapa 11

The Elite


Etapa 12

The One


Etapa 13

Happily Ever After


Etapa 14

Infotech: English for computer users


Etapa 15

Check Your English Vocabulary for Computing


Etapa 16



Etapa 17

The Son of Monte-Cristo (Volume 1)


Etapa 18

A Touch of Darkness


Etapa 19

Babes in Toyland


Etapa 20

English for Information Technology 2


Etapa 21

History (movies)


Etapa 22

Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient


Etapa 23

George R. R. Martin - Fire & Blood


Etapa 24

Broadway to Hollywood


Etapa 25

Musical films


Etapa 26

​Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White


Etapa 1

Basic English for Computing


Etapa 2

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again


Etapa 3

The Wife of Monte Cristo


Etapa 4

Monte-Cristo (filmography)


Etapa 5

English for Information Technology (Elementary)


Etapa 6

The Time Machine


Etapa 7

The Invisible Man


Etapa 8

The Giver


Etapa 9

Interview with the Vampire


Etapa 10

The Selection


Etapa 11

The Elite


Etapa 12

The One


Etapa 13

Happily Ever After


Etapa 14

Infotech: English for computer users


Etapa 15

Check Your English Vocabulary for Computing


Etapa 16



Etapa 17

The Son of Monte-Cristo (Volume 1)


Etapa 18

A Touch of Darkness


Etapa 19

Babes in Toyland


Etapa 20

English for Information Technology 2


Etapa 21

History (movies)


Etapa 22

Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient


Etapa 23

George R. R. Martin - Fire & Blood


Etapa 24

Broadway to Hollywood


Etapa 25

Musical films


Etapa 26

​Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White

22 enero 2017

Autor del objetivo


Rusia, Санкт-Петербург

Lenguas extranjeras

English for IT and for fun

Уже давно натыкалась на различные подборки учебников именно для IT, захотелось попробовать их поизучать, так как с этого угла язык мало рассматривала. Но заниматься только узкоспециализированными областями скучновато, поэтому здесь также буду стараться отписываться о других активностях (книги, фильмы, сериалы), которыми периодически занимаюсь.

  1. Basic English for Computing

    1. Unit 1 - Everyday uses of computers

    2. Unit 2 - Types of computer

    3. Unit 3 - Parts of a computer

    4. Unit 4 - Keyboard and mouse

    5. Unit 5 - Interview: Student

    6. Unit 6 - Input devices

    7. Unit 7 - Output devices

    8. Unit 8 - Storage devices

    9. Unit 9 - Graphical User Interface

    10. Unit 10 - Interview: Computing Support Assistant

    11. Unit 11 - Networks

    12. Unit 12 - Communications

    13. Unit 13 - The Internet 1: email and newsgroups

    14. Unit 14 - The Internet 2: the World Wide Web

    15. Unit 15 - Interview: Website designer

    16. Unit 16 - Word processing

    17. Unit 17 - Databases and spreadsheets

    18. Unit 18 - Graphics and multimedia

    19. Unit 19 - Programming

    20. Unit 20 - Interview: Analyst/programmer

    21. Unit 21 - Languages

    22. Unit 22 - Low-level systems

    23. Unit 23 - Future trends 1

    24. Unit 24 - Future trends 2

    25. Unit 25 - IT Manager

    26. Unit 26 - Issues in computing

    27. Unit 27 - Careers in computing

    28. Unit 28 - Interview: Systems Manager

  2. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again

    1. Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Party

    2. Chapter 2 - Roast Mutton

    3. Chapter 3 - A Short Rest

    4. Chapter 4 - Over Hill and Under Hill

    5. Chapter 5 - Riddles in the Dark

    6. Chapter 6 - Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire

    7. Chapter 7 - Queer Lodgings

    8. Chapter 8 - Flies and Spiders

    9. Chapter 9 - Barrels Out of Bond

    10. Chapter 10 - A Warm Welcome

    11. Chapter 11 - On the Doorstep

    12. Chapter 12 - Inside Information

    13. Chapter 13 - Not at Home

    14. Chapter 14 - Fire and Water

    15. Chapter 15 - The Gathering of the Clouds

    16. Chapter 16 - A Thief in the Night

    17. Chapter 17 - The Clouds Burst

    18. Chapter 18 - The Return Journey

    19. Chapter 19 - The Last Stage

  3. The Wife of Monte Cristo



    3. Chapter 2 - THE SENTENCE OF DEATH

    4. Chapter 3 - ON THE JOURNEY

    5. Chapter 4 - THE CONVICT

    6. Chapter 5 - MOTHER AND SON

    7. Chapter 6 - JOURNALISM

    8. Chapter 7 - NO.II

    9. Chapter 8 - STRANGE THINGS

    10. Chapter 9 - A DYING CONFESSION

    11. Chapter 10 - MIRACLES

    12. Chapter 11 - TOASTS

    13. Chapter 12 - RODEBOIS

    14. Chapter 13 - CONVICT LIFE

    15. Chapter 14 - THE ESCAPE

    16. Chapter 15 - THE MOUNTAIN GORGE

    17. Chapter 16 - HIS MOTHER

    18. Chapter 17 - THE SEA

    19. Chapter 18 - MONTE-CRISTO

    20. Chapter 19 - THE PANDOURS

    21. Chapter 20 - THE QUEEN OF FLOWERS

    22. Chapter 21 - PATRIA



    25. Chapter 24 - FALLING MASKS

    26. Chapter 25 - PATRIOTISM

    27. Chapter 26 - LUCIOLA

    28. Chapter 27 - THE MEETING

    29. Chapter 28 - THE MAJOR

    30. Chapter 29 - THE CHAMBER OF TORTURE

    31. Chapter 30 - WELLS OR OUBLIETTES


    33. Chapter 32 - SMALL MEANS—GRAND RESULTS

    34. Chapter 33 - EN AVANT!

    35. Chapter 34 - RICHER THAN MONTE-CRISTO

    36. Chapter 35 - A MOTHER

    37. Chapter 36 - FIND THE WOMAN

    38. Chapter 37 - TRUST ONLY IN YOURSELF

    39. Chapter 38 - THE SACRIFICE

    40. Chapter 39 - WHERE COUCON WENT

    41. Chapter 40 - WHAT WAS DONE

    42. Chapter 41 - MANNELITA

    43. Chapter 42 - RAPID MOVEMENTS

    44. Chapter 43 - PARTING

    45. Chapter 44 - THE SECRET

    46. Chapter 45 - AMERICANS

    47. Chapter 46 - ROASRED! SCALPED! EATEN!

    48. Chapter 47 - MALDAR'S FAREWELL

    49. Chapter 48 - DESERT LIFE

    50. Chapter 49 - THE FORTRESS

    51. Chapter 50 - PRISONERS

    52. Chapter 51 - GREEK MEETS GREEK

    53. Chapter 52 - MEDJI

    54. Chapter 53 - COURAGE

    55. Chapter 54 - FLIGHT

    56. Chapter 55 - THE CITADEL


    58. Chapter 57 - MYSTERY

  4. Monte-Cristo (filmography)

    1. The Count of Monte Cristo (1934)

    2. The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

    3. The Son of Monte Cristo (1940)

    4. The Wife of Monte Cristo (1946)

    5. The Return of Monte Cristo (1946)

    6. The Countess of Monte Cristo (1948)

    7. Treasure of Monte Cristo (1949)

    8. Mask of the Avenger (1951)

    9. The Sword of Monte Cristo (1951)

    10. Sword of Venus (1953)

    11. The Count of Monte Cristo (1956 TV series)

    12. The Treasure of Monte Cristo (1961)

    13. The Count of Monte Cristo (1964 TV series)

    14. Long Days of Vengeance (1967)

    15. The Count of Monte Cristo (1973)

    16. The Count of Monte Cristo (1975)

    17. The Count of Monte Cristo (1997)

    18. Forever Mine (1999)

  5. English for Information Technology (Elementary)

    1. Unit 1 - Working in the IT industry

    2. Unit 2 - Computer systems

    3. Unit 3 - Websites

    4. Unit 4 - Databases

    5. Unit 5 - E-commerce

    6. Unit 6 - Network systems

    7. Unit 7 - IT support

    8. Unit 8 - IT security and safety

  6. The Time Machine

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Epilogue

  7. The Invisible Man

    1. Chapter 1 - The Strange Man's Arrival

    2. Chapter 2 - Mr. Teddy Henfrey's First Impressions

    3. Chapter 3 - The Thousand and One Bottles

    4. Chapter 4 - Mr. Cuss Interviews the Stranger

    5. Chapter 5 - The Burglary at the Vicarage

    6. Chapter 6 - The Furniture That Went Mad

    7. Chapter 7 - The Unveiling of the Stranger

    8. Chapter 8 - In Transit

    9. Chapter 9 - Mr. Thomas Marvel

    10. Chapter 10 - Mr. Marvel's Visit To Iping

    11. Chapter 11 - In the "Coach and Horses"

    12. Chapter 12 - The Invisible Man Loses His Temper

    13. Chapter 13 - Mr. Marvel Discusses His Resignation

    14. Chapter 14 - At Port Stowe

    15. Chapter 15 - The Man Who Was Running

    16. Chapter 16 - In the "Jolly Cricketers"

    17. Chapter 17 - Dr. Kemp's Visitor

    18. Chapter 18 - The Invisible Man Sleeps

    19. Chapter 19 - Certain First Principles

    20. Chapter 20 - At the House In Great Portland Street

    21. Chapter 21 - In Oxford Street

    22. Chapter 22 - In The Emporium

    23. Chapter 23 - In Drury Lane

    24. Chapter 24 - The Plan That Failed

    25. Chapter 25 - The Hunting of the Invisible Man

    26. Chapter 26 - The Wicksteed Murder

    27. Chapter 27 - The Seige of Kemp's House

    28. Chapter 28 - The Hunter Hunted

    29. The Epilogue

  8. The Giver

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Chapter 13

    14. Chapter 14

    15. Chapter 15

    16. Chapter 16

    17. Chapter 17

    18. Chapter 18

    19. Chapter 19

    20. Chapter 20

    21. Chapter 21

    22. Chapter 22

    23. Chapter 23

  9. Interview with the Vampire

    1. 100

    2. 150

    3. 200

    4. 250

    5. 300

    6. 350

  10. The Selection

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Chapter 13

    14. Chapter 14

    15. Chapter 15

    16. Chapter 16

    17. Chapter 17

    18. Chapter 18

    19. Chapter 19

    20. Chapter 20

    21. Chapter 21

    22. Chapter 22

    23. Chapter 23

    24. Chapter 24

    25. Chapter 25

  11. The Elite

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Chapter 13

    14. Chapter 14

    15. Chapter 15

    16. Chapter 16

    17. Chapter 17

    18. Chapter 18

    19. Chapter 19

    20. Chapter 20

    21. Chapter 21

    22. Chapter 22

    23. Chapter 23

    24. Chapter 24

    25. Chapter 25

    26. Chapter 26

    27. Chapter 27

    28. Chapter 28

    29. Chapter 29

    30. Chapter 30

    31. Chapter 31

  12. The One

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Chapter 13

    14. Chapter 14

    15. Chapter 15

    16. Chapter 16

    17. Chapter 17

    18. Chapter 18

    19. Chapter 19

    20. Chapter 20

    21. Chapter 21

    22. Chapter 22

    23. Chapter 23

    24. Chapter 24

    25. Chapter 25

    26. Chapter 26

    27. Chapter 27

    28. Chapter 28

    29. Chapter 29

    30. Chapter 30

    31. Chapter 31

    32. Chapter 32

    33. Epilogue

  13. Happily Ever After

    1. THE QUEEN - An Introduction to The Queen

    2. THE QUEEN - Chapter 1

    3. THE QUEEN - Chapter 2

    4. THE QUEEN - Chapter 3

    5. THE QUEEN - Chapter 4

    6. THE QUEEN - Chapter 5

    7. THE QUEEN - Chapter 6

    8. THE QUEEN - Chapter 7

    9. THE QUEEN - Chapter 8

    10. THE QUEEN - Chapter 9

    11. THE QUEEN - Chapter 10

    12. THE QUEEN - Chapter 11

    13. -----------------------------

    14. THE PRINCE - An Introduction to The Prince

    15. THE PRINCE - Chapter 1

    16. THE PRINCE - Chapter 2

    17. THE PRINCE - Chapter 3

    18. THE PRINCE - Chapter 4

    19. THE PRINCE - Chapter 5

    20. THE PRINCE - Chapter 6

    21. THE PRINCE - Chapter 7

    22. THE PRINCE - Chapter 8

    23. -----------------------------

    24. THE GUARD - An Introduction to The Guard

    25. THE GUARD - Chapter 1

    26. THE GUARD - Chapter 2

    27. THE GUARD - Chapter 3

    28. THE GUARD - Chapter 4

    29. THE GUARD - Chapter 5

    30. THE GUARD - Chapter 6

    31. THE GUARD - Chapter 7

    32. THE GUARD - Chapter 8

    33. THE GUARD - Chapter 9

    34. THE GUARD - Chapter 10

    35. THE GUARD - Chapter 11

    36. -----------------------------

    37. THE FAVORITE - An Introduction to The Favorite

    38. THE FAVORITE - Part I

    39. THE FAVORITE - Part II

    40. -----------------------------

    41. Scenes from CELESTE - The Arrival

    42. Scenes from CELESTE - The Kiss

    43. Scenes from CELESTE - The Departure

    44. -----------------------------

    45. THE MAID

    46. -----------------------------

    47. After THE ONE

    48. -----------------------------

    49. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? - Kriss Ambers

    50. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? - Natalie Luca

    51. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? - Elise Whisks

  14. Infotech: English for computer users

    1. Module 1: Computers today, Unit 1 - Living in a digital age

    2. Module 1: Computers today, Unit 2 - Computer essentials

    3. Module 1: Computers today, Unit 3 - Inside the system

    4. Module 1: Computers today, Unit 4 - Buying a computer

    5. Module 2: Input/Output devices, Unit 5 - Type, click and talk!

    6. Module 2: Input/Output devices, Unit 6 - Capture your favourite image

    7. Module 2: Input/Output devices, Unit 7 - Display screens and ergonomics

    8. Module 2: Input/Output devices, Unit 8 - Choosing a printer

    9. Module 2: Input/Output devices, Unit 9 - Devices for the disabled

    10. Module 3: Storage devices, Unit 10 - Magnetic storage

    11. Module 3: Storage devices, Unit 11 - Optical storage

    12. Module 3: Storage devices, Unit 12 - Flash memory

    13. Module 4: Basic software, Unit 13 - The operating system (OS)

    14. Module 4: Basic software, Unit 14 - Word processing (WP)

    15. Module 4: Basic software, Unit 15 - Spreadsheets and databases

    16. Module 5: Faces of the Internet, Unit 16 - The Internet and email

    17. Module 5: Faces of the Internet, Unit 17 - The Web

    18. Module 5: Faces of the Internet, Unit 18 - Chat and conferencing

    19. Module 5: Faces of the Internet, Unit 19 - Internet security

    20. Module 6: Creative software, Unit 20 - Graphics and design

    21. Module 6: Creative software, Unit 21 - Desktop publishing

    22. Module 6: Creative software, Unit 22 - Multimedia

    23. Module 6: Creative software, Unit 23 - Web design

    24. Module 7: Programming / Jobs in ICT, Unit 24 - Program design and computer languages

    25. Module 7: Programming / Jobs in ICT, Unit 25 - Java

    26. Module 7: Programming / Jobs in ICT, Unit 26 - Jobs in ICT

    27. Module 8: Computers tomorrow, Unit 27 - Communication systems

    28. Module 8: Computers tomorrow, Unit 28 - Networks

    29. Module 8: Computers tomorrow, Unit 29 - Video games

    30. Module 8: Computers tomorrow, Unit 30 - New technologies

  15. Check Your English Vocabulary for Computing

    1. Section 1: Hardware

    2. 1.1 Hardware

    3. 1.2 Some useful verbs

    4. 1.3 The workstation

    5. 1.4 The keyboard

    6. 1.5 The mouse

    7. 1.6 Scanning

    8. 1.7 Some useful adjectives

    9. 1.8 Printing

    10. 1.9 Mobile phones

    11. 1.10 Other devices

    12. 1.11 Inside a computer

    13. 1.12 Data storage

    14. 1.13 Connectivity

    15. 1.14 Networks

    16. 1.15 Electronic payments

    17. 1.16 Review crossword

    18. 1.17 Your computer

    19. Section 2: Software

    20. 2.1 Software: the basics

    21. 2.2 Using software: useful verbs

    22. 2.3 The control panel

    23. 2.4 Applications

    24. 2.5 Some useful adjectives

    25. 2.6 Word processing 1

    26. 2.7 Word processing 2

    27. 2.8 Word processing 3

    28. 2.9 Image editing

    29. 2.10 Graphic design

    30. 2.11 Spreadsheets

    31. 2.12 Presentation software

    32. 2.13 Problems with software

    33. 2.14 Which program?

    34. 2.15 Revision Quiz

    35. 2.16 Your software

    36. Section 3: The Internet

    37. 3.1 The internet: the basics

    38. 3.2 Internet browsers

    39. 3.3 Search engines

    40. 3.4 Things on the net

    41. 3.5 Internet terms

    42. 3.6 E-commerce

    43. 3. 7 Internet security

    44. 3.8 Email

    45. 3.9 Email comprehension 1

    46. 3.10 Email comprehension 2

    47. 3.11 Useful verbs crossword

    48. 3.12 Revision wordsearch

    49. 3.13 Your internet

  16. Wither

    1. Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3

    4. Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5

    6. Chapter 6

    7. Chapter 7

    8. Chapter 8

    9. Chapter 9

    10. Chapter 10

    11. Chapter 11

    12. Chapter 12

    13. Chapter 13

    14. Chapter 14

    15. Chapter 15

    16. Chapter 16

    17. Chapter 17

    18. Chapter 18

    19. Chapter 19

    20. Chapter 20

    21. Chapter 21

    22. Chapter 22

    23. Chapter 23

    24. Chapter 24

    25. Chapter 25

    26. Chapter 26

    27. Chapter 27

  17. The Son of Monte-Cristo (Volume 1)

    1. Chapter 1 - A Marriage Contract and its End

    2. Chapter 2 - A Calm Bride

    3. Chapter 3 - A Family Tragedy

    4. Chapter 4 - A Peculiar Trial

    5. Chapter 5 - The Result of the Catastrophe

    6. Chapter 6 - Benedetto, The Murderer

    7. Chapter 7 - A Miracle

    8. Chapter 8 - The Sentence of Death

    9. Chapter 9 - The Editorial Rooms

    10. Chapter 10 - Pontoon №2

    11. Chapter 11 - The Dead Live

    12. Chapter 12 - The Confession

    13. Chapter 13 - Forgiveness

    14. Chapter 14 - The Rat-King

    15. Chapter 15 - In the Bagnio

    16. Chapter 16 - The Escape

    17. Chapter 17 - In the Mountain Pass of Oliolles

    18. Chapter 18 - The Mother

    19. Chapter 19 - On the Sea

    20. Chapter 20 - Monte-Cristo

    21. Chapter 21 - With the Pandurs

    22. Chapter 22 - The Queen of Flowers

    23. Chapter 23 - Green, White and Red

    24. Chapter 24 - A Fight in the Streets

    25. Chapter 25 - The Masks Fall

    26. Chapter 26 - Love of Country

    27. Chapter 27 - Shadows of the Past

    28. Chapter 28 - The Cospirators

    29. Chapter 29 - Father and Son

    30. Chapter 30 - In the Well

    31. Chapter 31 - Spero

    32. Chapter 32 - Ecarte

    33. Chapter 33 - Forward!

    34. Chapter 34 - Sergeant Coucou

    35. Chapter 35 - Miss Clary

    36. Chapter 36 - A Mother

    37. Chapter 37 - The Ring

    38. Chapter 38 - "Search for the Wife!"

    39. Chapter 39 - Depend Only on Yourself

    40. Chapter 40 - The Sacrifice

    41. Chapter 41 - How and Where Coucou Took Leave

    42. Chapter 42 - In the Spider's Web

    43. Chapter 43 - Manuelita

    44. Chapter 44 - The Humors of a Lady-Millionaire

    45. Chapter 45 - Maldar

    46. Chapter 46 - Miss Clary's Secret

    47. Chapter 47 - An American Wager

    48. Chapter 48 - The Wedding Breakfast

    49. Chapter 49 - Maldar's Farewell

    50. Chapter 50 - The Holy Signal

    51. Chapter 51 - Uargla

    52. Chapter 52 - Captain Joliette

    53. Chapter 53 - The Lion in Conflict with the Lion

    54. Chapter 54 - Medje

    55. Chapter 55 - "Do not Die, Captain!"

    56. Chapter 56 - The Flight

    57. Chapter 57 - At the Foot of the Kiobeh

    58. Chapter 58 - Monte-Cristo Becomes Edmond Dantes

    59. Chapter 59 - Edmond Dantes

    60. Chapter 60 - Secrets

  18. A Touch of Darkness

    1. CHAPTER I – The Narcissus

    2. CHAPTER II – Nevernight

    3. CHAPTER III – New Athens News

    4. CHAPTER IV – The Contract

    5. CHAPTER V – Intrusion

    6. CHAPTER VI – The Styx

    7. CHAPTER VII – A Touch of Favor

    8. CHAPTER VIII– A Garden in the Underworld

    9. CHAPTER IX – Rock, Paper, Scissors

    10. CHAPTER X – Tension

    11. CHAPTER XI – A Touch of Desire

    12. CHAPTER XII – God of the Game

    13. CHAPTER XIII – La Rose

    14. CHAPTER XIV – A Touch of Jealousy

    15. CHAPTER XV – Offer

    16. CHAPTER XVI – A Touch of Darkness

    17. CHAPTER XVII – The Olympian Gala

    18. CHAPTER XVIII – A Touch of Passion

    19. CHAPTER XIX – A Touch of Power

    20. CHAPTER XX – Elysium

    21. CHAPTER XXI – A Touch of Insanity

    22. CHAPTER XXII – The Ascension Ball

    23. CHAPTER XXIII – A Touch of Normal

    24. CHAPTER XXIV – A Touch of Trickery

    25. CHAPTER XXV – A Touch of Life

    26. CHAPTER XXVI – A Touch of Home

  19. Babes in Toyland

    Хотя на самом деле было 3 книги, но пусть считается как одна

  20. English for Information Technology 2

    1. Unit 1 - Working in IT - IT jobs and duties

    2. Unit 1 - Working in IT - IT organizations

    3. Unit 1 - Working in IT - IT workplace rules

    4. Unit 1 - Working in IT - Meetings

    5. Unit 1 - Working in IT - Business matters

    6. Unit 2 - IT systems - System specifications

    7. Unit 2 - IT systems - GUI operations

    8. Unit 2 - IT systems - Multimedia hardware

    9. Unit 2 - IT systems - Operating systems

    10. Unit 2 - IT systems - Business matters

    11. Unit 3 - Data communication - Internet browsing

    12. Unit 3 - Data communication - Networks

    13. Unit 3 - Data communication - Mobile computing

    14. Unit 3 - Data communication - Email

    15. Unit 3 - Data communication - Business matters

    16. Unit 4 - Administration - Spreadsheets and formulae

    17. Unit 4 - Administration - Databases

    18. Unit 4 - Administration - System administration

    19. Unit 4 - Administration - Peripherals

    20. Unit 4 - Administration - Business matters

    21. Unit 5 - Choice - Web hosting

    22. Unit 5 - Choice - IT costs

    23. Unit 5 - Choice - Product research

    24. Unit 5 - Choice - Making recommendations

    25. Unit 5 - Choice - Business matters

    26. Unit 6 - Interactions - Enterprise social media

    27. Unit 6 - Interactions - Video conferencing

    28. Unit 6 - Interactions - E-commerce

    29. Unit 6 - Interactions - Training users

    30. Unit 6 - Interactions - Business matters

    31. Unit 7 - Development - Requirements analysis

    32. Unit 7 - Development - Website design and architecture

    33. Unit 7 - Development - Software development

    34. Unit 7 - Development - Project management

    35. Unit 7 - Development - Business matters

    36. Unit 8 - IT solutions - Investigations

    37. Unit 8 - IT solutions - Diagnosis

    38. Unit 8 - IT solutions - Solutions

    39. Unit 8 - IT solutions - Your future in IT

    40. Unit 8 - IT solutions - Business matters

  21. History (movies)

    1. I Tartari/The Tartars (1961)

    2. I Mongoli/The Mongols (1961)

    3. Peter the Great (1986)

    4. The Scarlet Empress (1934)

    5. Catherine the Great (2019)

    6. Catherine the Great (1996)

    7. A Royal Scandal (1945)

    8. La Tempesta (1958)

  22. Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient

    1. I - The Villa

    2. II - In Near Ruins

    3. III - Sometime a Fire

    4. IV - South Cairo 1930-1938

    5. V - Katharine

    6. VI - A Buried Plane

    7. VII - In Situ

    8. VIII - The Holy Forest

    9. IX - The Cave of Swimmers

    10. X - August

  23. George R. R. Martin - Fire & Blood

    1. Aegon’s Conquest

    2. Reign of the Dragon—The Wars of King Aegon I

    3. Three Heads Had the Dragon—Governance Under King Aegon I

    4. The Sons of the Dragon

    5. Prince into King—The Ascension of Jaehaerys I

    6. The Year of The Three Brides—49 AC

    7. A Surfeit of Rulers

    8. A Time of Testing—The Realm Remade

    9. Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I

    10. Jaehaerys and Alysanne—Their Triumphs and Tragedies

    11. The Long Reign—Jaehaerys and Alysanne—Policy, Progeny, and Pain

    12. Heirs of the Dragon—A Question of Succession

    13. The Dying of the Dragons—The Blacks and the Greens

    14. The Dying of the Dragons—A Son for a Son

    15. The Dying of the Dragons—The Red Dragon and the Gold

    16. The Dying of the Dragons—Rhaenyra Triumphant

    17. The Dying of the Dragons—Rhaenyra Overthrown

    18. The Dying of the Dragons—The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II

    19. Aftermath—The Hour of the Wolf

    20. Under the Regents—The Hooded Hand

    21. Under the Regents—War and Peace and Cattle Shows

    22. Under the Regents—The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist

    23. The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency

  24. Broadway to Hollywood

    1. The Desert Song (1929)

    2. The Cocoanuts (1929)

    3. Show Boat (1929)

    4. Rio Rita (1929)

    5. Sally (1929)

    6. The Rogue Song (1930)

    7. The Vagabond King (1930)

    8. Song of the Flame (1930)

    9. The Cuckoos (1930)

    10. Spring is Here (1930)

    11. Good News (1930)

    12. Follow Thru (1930)

    13. Heads Up (1930)

    14. Whoopee (1930)

    15. New Moon (1930)

    16. Sunny (1930)

    17. Follow the Leader (1930)

    18. The Smiling Lieutenant (1931)

    19. 50 Million Frenchmen (1931)

    20. Flying High (1931)

    21. Girl Crazy (1932)

    22. Broadway to Hollywood (1933)

    23. The Cat and the Fiddle (1934)

    24. Wonder Bar (1934)

    25. The Merry Widow (1934)

    26. The Gay Divorcee (1934)

    27. Music in the Air (1934)

    28. Babes in Toyland (1934)

    29. Roberta (1935)

    30. Naughty Marietta (1935)

    31. Anything Goes (1936)

    32. Rose Marie (1936)

    33. The Bohemian Girl (1936)

    34. Show Boat (1936)

    35. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

    36. Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)

  25. Musical films

    1. The Broadway Melody (1929)

    2. Glorifying the American Girl (1929)

    3. 42nd Street (1933)

    4. Top Hat (1935)

    5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    6. Fantasia (1940)

    7. Moulin Rouge! (2001)

    8. Les Misérables (2012)

    9. The Little Mermaid (1989)

    10. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

    11. Aladdin (1992)

    12. The Lion King (1994)

    13. The Phantom of the Opera (2004)

    14. Evita (1996)

    15. Chicago (2002)

    16. Rent (2005)

  26. ​Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White

  • 12111
  • 22 enero 2017, 21:11

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