Етап 1

English File Intermediate


Етап 2

Solutions Intermediate


Етап 3

English File Intermediate Plus


Етап 4

English File Upper-Intermediate


Етап 5

Solutions Upper-Intermediate


Етап 6

Upstream Intermediate


Етап 7

Round Up 5


Етап 8

Vocabulary - Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [книга]


Етап 9

Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [программа]


Етап 10

Pronunciation For Grammar [программа]


Етап 11

EnglishDom - Грамматические уроки


Етап 12

Ugly Betty


Етап 13

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Pre-Intermediate


Етап 14

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Intermediate


Етап 15

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Upper-Intermediate


Етап 16

Oxford Bookworm Library


Етап 17

English Vocabulary Organiser


Етап 18

Timesaver Intermediate Listening


Етап 19

Straightforward Upper-intermediate


Етап 20

New Opportunities Upper-intermediate


Етап 1

English File Intermediate


Етап 2

Solutions Intermediate


Етап 3

English File Intermediate Plus


Етап 4

English File Upper-Intermediate


Етап 5

Solutions Upper-Intermediate


Етап 6

Upstream Intermediate


Етап 7

Round Up 5


Етап 8

Vocabulary - Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [книга]


Етап 9

Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [программа]


Етап 10

Pronunciation For Grammar [программа]


Етап 11

EnglishDom - Грамматические уроки


Етап 12

Ugly Betty


Етап 13

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Pre-Intermediate


Етап 14

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Intermediate


Етап 15

Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Upper-Intermediate


Етап 16

Oxford Bookworm Library


Етап 17

English Vocabulary Organiser


Етап 18

Timesaver Intermediate Listening


Етап 19

Straightforward Upper-intermediate


Етап 20

New Opportunities Upper-intermediate

06 квітня 2018 31 грудня 2018
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Выучить английский до Upper-Intermediate


  1. Memrise - 3000 слов - https://www.memrise.com/course/1908545/intermediat...
  2. Oxford Word Skills Intermediate


  1. English File Intermediate + ITutor+IChecker [программа]
  2. Solutions Intermediate + диск
  3. English File Intermediate Plus
  4. English File Upper-Intermediate
  5. Solutions Upper-Intermediate


  1. EnglishDom - www.englishdom.com


  1. Fun English -171 - http://dreamreader.net/Lesson/fun-for-all/
  2. BritishCouncil - LearnEnglishPodcasts [1-10, 2-10, 3-20, 4-20] - http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/learneng...
  3. ELLLO Level 5 - 530 уроков - http://www.wordheard.org/sort/?search-class=DB_Cus...


  1. Oxford Pronunciation In Use [программа]


  1. Сериал "Ugly Betty"
  2. BritishCouncil - Britain is great [12*2] - http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-...
  3. BritishCouncil - Word on the street [30*5] - http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-str...
  4. BritishCouncil - I wanna talk about [12] - http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/talk-abo...
  5. BritishCouncil - Grammar videos Teens - https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/gramm...
  6. BritishCouncil - Speaking skills practice Teens [4] - https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skill...
  7. BritishCouncil - Phrasal verb videos Teens [10] - https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/gramm...
  8. BritishCouncil - Video Zone Teens - https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study...
  9. BBC - The Experiment - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/cours...
  10. BBC - English You Need [30*5] - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/cours...
  11. BBC - Sheakspeare Speaks 24 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/cours...
  12. BBC - English at University 18 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/featu...
  13. BBC - LingoHack 134 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/featu...
  14. ted.com - https://www.ted.com/dashboard/list/talks
  1. English File Intermediate

    1. 3B

    2. Practical English 2

    3. 4A

    4. 4B

    5. Revise and Check

    6. 5A

    7. 5B

    8. Practical English 3

    9. 6A

    10. 6B

    11. Revise and Check

    12. 7A

    13. 7B

    14. Practical English 4

    15. 8A

    16. 8B

    17. Revise and Check

    18. 9A

    19. 9B

    20. Practical English 5

    21. 10A

    22. 10B

    23. Revise and Check

  2. Solutions Intermediate

    1. 5A Our future [0 conditional]

    2. 5B

    3. 5C

    4. 5D

    5. 5E

    6. 5F

    7. 5G

    8. Get ready for your exam

    9. 6A Telling tales [must have,might have]

    10. 6B

    11. 6C

  3. English File Intermediate Plus

    1. 1A [pronouns]

    2. 1B [adjectives]

    3. Practical English 1

    4. 2A Holidays [present tenses]

    5. 2B Shops, services [possesives]

    6. Revise and Check

    7. 3A Stages of life [past simple/cont, used to]

    8. 3B Photography [prepositions]

    9. Practical English 2

    10. 4A Rubbish [future forms]

    11. 4B Study and Work [1 and 2 conditinals]

    12. Revise and Check

    13. 5A Television [present perfect]

    14. 5B Country [preesent perfect cont]

    15. Practical English 3

    16. 6A [obligation, necessity, advice]

    17. 6B Restaurant [can, could, able to]

    18. Revise and Check

    19. 7A Cash machines [phrasal verbs]

    20. 7B Live entertainment [verb patterns]

    21. Practical English 4

    22. 8A Looking after yourself [have done]

    23. 8B History [passive]

    24. Revise and Check

    25. 9A Family [reported speech]

    26. 9B Weddings [past perfect]

    27. Practical English 5

    28. 10A

    29. 10B Exams

    30. Revise and Check

  4. English File Upper-Intermediate

    1. 1A [questions formations]

    2. 1B [auxuliary verbs]

    3. Colloquial English 1

    4. 2A [present perfect/cont] Illnesses

    5. 2B [adjectives as nouns] clothes, fashion

    6. Revise and Check

    7. 3A [past perf cont] air travel

    8. 3B

    9. Colloquial English 2,3

    10. 4A [future perfect/future cont] weather

    11. 4B [0 and 1 conditional]

    12. Revise and Check

    13. 5A [unreal conditionals] feelings

    14. 5B [structures after wish]

    15. Colloquial English 4, 5

    16. 6A [gerunds, inf] music

    17. 6B [used to] sleep

    18. Revise and Check

    19. 7A [must, might, may, should]

    20. 7B [verbs of the senses] body

    21. 8A [passive] crime and punishment

    22. 8B [reporting verbs] media

    23. Revise and Check

    24. 9A [whatever, whenever] advertising, business]

    25. 9B [uncountable and plural nouns]

    26. Colloquial English 8, 9

    27. 10A [all, evry, both] science

    28. 10B [articles]

    29. Revise and Check

  5. Solutions Upper-Intermediate

    1. Unit 1

    2. Unit 2

    3. Unit 3

    4. Unit 4

    5. Unit 5

    6. Unit 6

    7. Unit 7

    8. Unit 8

    9. Unit 9

    10. Unit 10

  6. Upstream Intermediate

    1. 3 future tenses; Conditionals Type O & 1; the definite article Phrasal verbs: CUT, DO

    2. 4 comparisons; too/enough; -ing form/infinitive Phrasal verbs:FALL, GET

    3. 5 ing/-ed participles; modal verbs; making deductions. question tags Phrasal verbs: GIVE GO

    4. 6 order of adjectives; the passive; relatives; relative clauses Phrasal verbs: HOLD, KEEP

    5. 7 causative form; reported speech (statements,questions, orders)Phrasal verbs:LET, LOOK

    6. 8 quantifiers (some, any, no, (a) little, (a) few); countable/uncountable nouns; reported speech (special introductory verbs) Phrasal verbs:

    7. 9 Conditionals Type 2 & 3; wishes; would rather Phrasal verbs: RUN, SEE, SET

    8. 10 future perfect; linkers & quantifiers (either/neither, although, both, all, none) Phrasal verbs: STAND, TAKE, TURN

  7. Round Up 5

    1. 1Present forms

    2. 2Past forms

    3. 3Future forms

    4. Progress Check 1

    5. 4Inf/-ing form/Participles

    6. 5Modal verbs

    7. 6Passive

    8. Progress Check 2

  8. Vocabulary - Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [книга]

    1. Learning - I can talk about vocabulary learning

    2. Learning - I can describe my progress and aims

    3. Learning - I can understand a learner's dictionary

    4. Learning - I can talk about English punctuation

    5. Learning - Review

    6. People - I can talk about appearance

    7. People - I can talk about character

    8. People - I can describe my feelings

    9. People - I can talk about relationships

    10. People - I can talk about families

    11. People - I can talk about weddings and funerals

    12. People - Review

    13. The world around us - I can describe the universe

    14. The world around us - I can talk about rivers and the sea

    15. The world around us - I can describe the climate

    16. The world around us - I can describe the natural disasters

    17. The world around us - I can describe animals and insects

    18. The world around us - Review

    19. Daily life - I can describe a range of food

    20. Daily life - I can talk about diets and cooking

    21. Daily life - I can talk about money

    22. Daily life - I can talk about sleep

    23. Daily life - I can talk about injuries

    24. Daily life - I can talk about cars and driving

    25. Daily life - I can describe travel problems and accidents

    26. Daily life - I can talk about clothes and fashion

    27. Daily life - Review

    28. Getting things done - I can describe a visit to the dentist

    29. Getting things done - I can describe hospital procedures

    30. Getting things done - I can explain household tasks

    31. Getting things done - I can describe housework

    32. Getting things done - I can talk to hairdresser

    33. Getting things done - Review

    34. Describing things - I can describe urban life

    35. Describing things - I can describe parts of a building

    36. Describing things - I can describe objects

    37. Describing things - I can describe the senses

    38. Describing things - I can describe a painting

    39. Describing things - I can describe actions

    40. Describing things - Review

    41. Social and political issues - I can talk about crime

    42. Social and political issues - I can describe the justice system

    43. Social and political issues - I can discuss healt issues

    44. Social and political issues - I can talk about politics

    45. Social and political issues - I can talk about war and peace

    46. Social and political issues - I can talk about events in history

    47. Social and political issues - Review

    48. Media and entertainment - I can undestand newspapers

    49. Media and entertainment - I can talk about films

    50. Media and entertainment - I can talk about art anf photography

    51. Media and entertainment - I can talk about music

    52. Media and entertainment - I can talk about people and places in sport

    53. Media and entertainment - I can describe sporting events

    54. Media and entertainment - I can talk about books

    55. Media and entertainment - I can describe festivals

    56. Media and entertainment - Review

    57. Work and study - I can get through exams

    58. Work and study - I can describe university life

    59. Work and study - I can apply for a job

    60. Work and study - I can describe a career

    61. Work and study - I can describe working conditions

    62. Work and study - Review

    63. Business - I can talk about finance

    64. Business - I can talk about companies

    65. Business - I can describe a succesful business

    66. Business - I can discuss marketing

    67. Business - Review

    68. Social English - I can express probability

    69. Social English - I can explain similarities and differences

    70. Social English - I can make arrangements to meet

    71. Social English - I can discuss my likes and dislikes

    72. Social English - I can give my opinion

    73. Social English - I can talk about rules

    74. Social English - I can discuss hopes and plans

    75. Social English - I can express dissatisfaction

    76. Social English - I can undestand warnings

    77. Social English - Review

    78. Language - I can use link words

    79. Language - I can use a range of adjectives

    80. Language - I canexpress time and place

    81. Language - I can use prepositions in phrases

    82. Language - I can use prefixes

    83. Language - I can use suffixes

    84. Language - I can use verb patterns

    85. Language - I can use phrasal verbs

    86. Language - I can use a range of adverbs

    87. Language - Review

    88. Styles of English - I can recognize informal English

    89. Styles of English - I can write a formal letter

    90. Styles of English - I can understand abbreviations and short forms

    91. Styles of English - I can understand American English

    92. Styles of English - Review

  9. Oxford Word Skills Intermediate [программа]

    1. Learning

    2. People

    3. The world around us

    4. Daily life

    5. Getting things done

    6. Describing things

    7. Social and political issues

    8. Media and entertainment

    9. Work and study

    10. Business

    11. Social English

    12. Language

    13. Styles of English

  10. Pronunciation For Grammar [программа]

    1. be and have

    2. present tenses

    3. talking about the fututre

    4. past tenses

    5. perfect tenses

    6. modal verbs

    7. passives

    8. questions and negatives

    9. infinitives and -ing forms

    10. special structures with verbs

    11. articles - a/an and the

    12. determiners

    13. personal pronouns; posessives

    14. nouns

    15. adjectives and adverbs

    16. comparison

    17. conjunctions

    18. if etc

    19. relative pronouns

    20. indirect speech

    21. prepositions

    22. spoken grammar

  11. EnglishDom - Грамматические уроки

    1. Can/could-may/might

    2. Must/need-should/ought

    3. Must/have to-can/be able to

    4. Will/would-shall/should

    5. Passive

    6. Conditional Clauses

    7. Conditional 0 and 1

    8. Conditional 2

    9. Conditional 0, 1, 2

    10. Modal equivalents

    11. Participle

    12. Reported speech

    13. Reporting and Reported Clauses

    14. Infinitive/Gerund

    15. Conditional 3

    16. Conditional 2, 3

    17. A lot of/Much/Many

    18. Both/Either/Neiher

    19. All/Any/None

    20. All/Both/Half

    21. Every/each-Another

    22. Adjectives with prepositions

    23. Order of adjectives

    24. Other ways of comparison adjectives

    25. Adverbs. Overview

    26. Comparison of adverbs

    27. Prepositions of place

    28. Prepositions of time

    29. Other prepositions

    30. Conjunctions (союзы)

    31. Verbs. Overview

    32. Present Perfect

    33. Present Perfect/Past Simple

    34. Present Perfect Cont

    35. Present Perfect Cont/Present Perfect

    36. Present forms Review

    37. Past Perfect

    38. Past Perfect/Past Perfect Cont

    39. Past forms Review

    40. Future Cont

    41. Future Perfect/Future Perfect Cont

    42. Future Predictions. Overview

    43. Modal verbs. Overview

    44. Modals+have

    45. Imperative Clauses

    46. Tense System. Active

    47. Have something done

    48. Complex Object Construction

    49. Complex Subject Construction

    50. Phrasal verbs. Overview

    51. Mixed Conditionals

    52. Conditionals. Other

    53. Regret - I wish/If only

    54. Would rather/would prefer

    55. Subjunctive mood (сосл наклонение)

    56. Reported statements

    57. Reported questions

    58. Reported commands

    59. Sequence of tenses

    60. Types of questions

    61. Question forms

    62. Ago, already, still, yet

    63. Bring, fetch, take, get

    64. Want, wish, hope, long for

    65. Like, love, be fond of, be keen on

    66. Say, tell, talk, discuss, speak

    67. Let, allow, permit

    68. Do, make

    69. Deny, refuse, reject, turn down

    70. Also, too, as well

    71. Look, see, watch, glance, stare

    72. Travel, journey, trip

  12. Ugly Betty

    1. 2 сезон - 08 I See Me, I.C.U.

    2. 2 сезон - 09 Giving Up the Ghost

    3. 2 сезон - 10 Bananas for Betty

    4. 2 сезон - 11 Zero Worship

    5. 2 сезон - 12 Odor in the Court

    6. 2 сезон - 13 A Thousand Words by Friday

    7. 2 сезон - 14 Twenty-Four Candles

    8. 2 сезон - 15 Burning Questions

    9. 2 сезон - 16 Betty's Baby Bump

    10. 2 сезон - 17 The Kids Are Alright

    11. 2 сезон - 18 Jump

    12. 3 сезон - 01 The Manhattan Project

    13. 3 сезон - 02 Filing for the Enemy

    14. 3 сезон - 03 Crimes of Fashion

    15. 3 сезон - 04 Betty Suarez Land

    16. 3 сезон - 05 Granny Pants

    17. 3 сезон - 06 Ugly Berry

    18. 3 сезон - 07 Crush'd

    19. 3 сезон - 08 Tornado Girl

    20. 3 сезон - 09 When Betty Met YETI

    21. 3 сезон - 10 Bad Amanda

    22. 3 сезон - 11 Dress for Success

    23. 3 сезон - 12 Sisters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

    24. 3 сезон - 13 Kissed Off

    25. 3 сезон - 14 The Courtship of Betty's Father

    26. 3 сезон - 15 There's No Place Like Mode

    27. 3 сезон - 16 Things Fall Apart

    28. 3 сезон - 17 Sugar Daddy

    29. 3 сезон - 18 A Mother Of A Problem

    30. 3 сезон - 19 The Sex Issue

    31. 3 сезон - 20 Rabbit Test

    32. 3 сезон - 21 The Born Identity

    33. 3 сезон - 22 In the Stars

    34. 3 сезон - 23 Curveball

    35. 3 сезон - 24 The Fall Issue

  13. Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Pre-Intermediate

    1. In the kitchen

    2. Adjectives with the same meaning

    3. In the garden

    4. In the study

    5. Things to buy

    6. Phrases1

    7. Bedroom things

    8. Family life

    9. Jobs

    10. Verbs and nouns 1

    11. Lets get technical

    12. Around the house

    13. Verbs: saying

    14. Money

    15. Prepositions of movement

    16. In the town

    17. In the living room

    18. 18 Choose the word

    19. 19 Food and drink

    20. 20 Whats the matter?

    21. 21 In the bathroom

    22. 22 Adjectives: people

    23. 23 Clothes

    24. 24 Word groups

    25. 25 Prepositions

    26. 26 Verbs anf nouns 2

    27. 27 More money

    28. 28 Verbs: thinking and feeling

    29. 29 Sport

    30. 30 Animals

    31. 31 Music

    32. 32 Phrases 2

    33. 33 Verbs and nouns 3

    34. 34 Adjectives: Things

    35. 35 Fruits and vegetables

    36. 36 Phrasal verbs

    37. 37 Fun and leisure 1

    38. 38 Fun and leisure 2

    39. 39 Places to live

    40. 40 People

    41. 41 Phrases 3

    42. 42 More prepositions

    43. 43 Maths

    44. 44 Electrical things

    45. 45 Verbs: third person

    46. 46 Verbs: going places

    47. 47 British and American English

    48. 48 Kinuta Island

    49. 49 Sport

    50. 50 Films and TV

    51. 51 Opposite: adjectives

    52. 52 Choose the word

    53. 53 Compound nouns

    54. 54 Verbs: using your hands

    55. 55 Abstract nouns

    56. 56 Adjectives crossword

    57. 57 Anagrams

    58. 58 Definitions

    59. 59 Too many words

    60. 60 Same word, different meaning

  14. Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Intermediate

    1. 1 Things in the home

    2. 2 Adjectives - people 1

    3. 3 Phrasal verbs 1

    4. 4 The body

    5. 5 Food and drink 1

    6. 6 The house and garden

    7. 7 Adjectives-opposites

    8. 8 Crime

    9. 9 Jobs

    10. 10 Food and drink 2

    11. 11 Choose the word

    12. 12 Fruit and vegetables

    13. 13 Getting a job

    14. 14 Verbs - communicating

    15. 15 Verbs - body and mind

    16. 16 Verbs - relationships

    17. 17 Word building - prefixes

    18. 18 Around the house

    19. 19 Adjectives - people 2

    20. 20 Let's get technical

    21. 21 Toiletries, make-up and medicine

    22. 22 Verbs crossword

    23. 23 Animals

    24. 24 Compound nouns 1

    25. 25 Clothes

    26. 26 Choose the word

    27. 27 Cartoons 1

    28. 28 Compound nouns 2

    29. 29 Sports and leisure equipment

    30. 30 Abstract nouns

    31. 31 Verbs - world of work

    32. 32 Filling in forms

    33. 33 Adjectives - things

    34. 34 Disasters

    35. 35 Parts of car

    36. 36 Prepositions 1

    37. 37 Physical appearance

    38. 38 Verbs - mostly in the mind

    39. 39 British and American English

    40. 40 Cartoons 2

    41. 41 Confusing words

    42. 42 Verbs - opposites

    43. 43 Prepositions 2

    44. 44 Types of transport

    45. 45 Adjectives - synonyms

    46. 46 Phrasal verbs 2

    47. 47 Things to read

    48. 48 Classifications

    49. 49 Homophones

    50. 50 Verbs - synonyms

    51. 51 Advebs 1

    52. 52 Anagrams

    53. 53 More word building

    54. 54 Green issues

    55. 55 Adjectives and nouns

    56. 56 Same word, different meaning

    57. 57 Rhyming words

    58. 58 Adverbs 2

    59. 59 Choose the adjective

    60. 60 What's the verb?

  15. Vocabulary - Penguin - Test your Vocabulary Upper-Intermediate

    1. 1 Containers

    2. 2 Useful everyday phrases

    3. 3 The press

    4. 4 Tools and equipment

    5. 5 Word building 1

    6. 6 What are they like?

    7. 7 Outside the house

    8. 8 Too many words

    9. 9 Choose the word 1

    10. 10 Education

    11. 11 Crash, bang, whirr!!

    12. 12 Prepositions

    13. 13 Phrasal verbs 1

    14. 14 Word building 2

    15. 15 Let's watch TV!

    16. 16 Parts of the body

    17. 17 Words beginning with -in

    18. 18 What is it part of?

    19. 19 Computers

    20. 20 Parts of the body - expressions

    21. 21 Insects

    22. 22 Phrasal verbs 2

    23. 23 Classifications

    24. 24 Shapes

    25. 25 Confusing words 1

    26. 26 Word building 3

    27. 27 Fruit and vegetables

    28. 28 Cars and roads

    29. 29 At the cinema

    30. 30 The art world

    31. 31 Definitions - business

    32. 32 Add a letter

    33. 33 Cartoons

    34. 34 The island of San Cristobal

    35. 35 Connections

    36. 36 Puzzle it out - who won the FA Cup?

    37. 37 Words ending in -o

    38. 38 Phrasal verbs 3

    39. 39 British and American English

    40. 40 Fact or fantasy?

    41. 41 Prepositions after verbs

    42. 42 Newspaper misprints

    43. 43 The environment

    44. 44 Musical instruments

    45. 45 Choose the word 2

    46. 46 Synonyms 1

    47. 47 Confusing words 2

    48. 48 Definitions - money

    49. 49 Right or wrong?

    50. 50 Rhyming words

    51. 51 Anagrams

    52. 52 Feelings

    53. 53 Who said that?

    54. 54 Choose the word 3

    55. 55 Adjectives and nouns

    56. 56 One word, two meanings

    57. 57 Crazy definitions

    58. 58 Take away a letter

    59. 59 Synonymes 2

    60. 60 Odd one out

  16. Oxford Bookworm Library

    1. S5 Charles Dickens - Great Expectations

    2. S5 Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility

    3. S5 Mary Stewart - This Rough Magic

    4. S5 Ed McBain - King's Ransom

    5. S5 Clare West - Treading on Dreams. Stories from Ireland

    6. Charles Dickens - David Copperfield

    7. S5 Thomas Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd

    8. S3 Alan C. McLean - Martin Luther King

    9. S3 Anthony Hope - The Prisoner of Zenda

    10. S3 Christine Lindop - Australia and New Zealand

    11. S3 Christine Lindop - The Long White Cloud. Stories from New Zealand

    12. S3 Clare West - Dancing with Strangers. Stories from Africa

    13. S3 Edgar Allan Poe - Tales of Mystery and Imagination

    14. S3 Edith Nesbit - The Railway Children

    15. S3 Edith Wharton - Ethan Frome

    16. S3 Erich Segal - Love Story

    17. S3 Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Secret Garden

    18. S3 Harry Gilbert - The Star Zoo

    19. S3 Jack London - The Call of the Wild

    20. S3 Jennifer Bassett - Playing with Fire. Stories from the Pacific Rim

    21. S3 John Escott - As the Inspector Said and Other Stories

    22. S3 Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows

    23. S3 Lewis Carroll - Through the Looking-Glass

    24. S3 Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

    25. S3 Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray

    26. S3 Robert Louis Stevenson - Kidnapped

  17. English Vocabulary Organiser

    1. Age

    2. Stages of life

    3. Babies and Children

    4. Death

    5. Family

    6. Friends

    7. Love and Romance

    8. Marriage

    9. General appearance

    10. Clothes

    11. Talking about clothes

    12. Describing character

    13. Adjectives to describe people

    14. Feelings and emotions

    15. Happy or sad

    16. Getting angry

    17. Liking and disliking

    18. Head and face

    19. Hair and face

    20. Parts of the body

    21. Body movementts

    22. The senses

    23. Feeling ill

    24. Injuries

    25. At the doctor's

    26. In hospital

    27. A healthy lifestyle

    28. Houses and homes

    29. The living room

    30. The kitchen

    31. The bedroom and bathroom

    32. Jobs around the house

    33. Problems around the house

    34. Meat, fish and vegetables

    35. Fruit and vegetables

    36. Talking about food

    37. Cooking

    38. Eating out

    39. Drinks

    40. Talking about your free time

    41. Hobbies and interests

    42. Activities and interests

    43. Special occasions

    44. Film and cinema

    45. Books and art

    46. Music

    47. Ball and racquet sports

    48. Football

    49. Other sports

    50. Results and scores

    51. Television

    52. Newspapers

    53. Advertising

    54. Telephones

    55. Computers

    56. Money

    57. Machines and equipment

    58. Rich and poor

    59. At the bank

    60. Shops and shopping

    61. Holidays

    62. Beach holidays

    63. Forms of transport

    64. Cars

    65. Driving

    66. Public transport

    67. School

    68. Further education

    69. Learning a language

    70. Jobs

    71. Employment

    72. Working life

    73. In the office

    74. Business

    75. Crime and punishment

    76. Serious crime

    77. Theft, drugs

    78. War

    79. Politics

    80. Religion

    81. Social issues

    82. The environment

    83. The natural world

    84. Science

    85. Materials

    86. History

    87. Countries and nationalities

    88. The wether

    89. Disasters

    90. Wild animals

    91. Domestic and farm animals

    92. Talking about animals

    93. Towns and cities

    94. Time

    95. Numbers

    96. Similarity and difference

    97. Thoughts and ideas

    98. Size and shape

    99. Distance and speed

    100. Quantities

  18. Timesaver Intermediate Listening

    1. 5 Video Games

    2. 6 At the Airport

    3. 7 Helping a Friend with a Problem

    4. 8 New York City

    5. 9 Text and Phone Messages

    6. 10 Schools in Britain

    7. 11 Being a Detective

    8. 12 Food

    9. 13 Black Rights in America

    10. 14 Summer Camp

    11. 15 Anna's Story

    12. 16 Getting a Job

    13. 17 New Zealand

    14. 18 love isnt easy

    15. 19 Stress

    16. 20 Internet Nerds

    17. 21 Australia

    18. 22 Holiday Romance

    19. 23 What would you do

    20. 24 Addictions

    21. 25 Parents

    22. 26 Teenage Crime

    23. 27 Advertising

    24. 28 The Lost Boy

  19. Straightforward Upper-intermediate

    1. 1A consuming passions

    2. 1B Paintballing

    3. 1C Autograph hunters

    4. 1D Collectors

    5. 2A Wildlife

    6. 2B Animal rights

    7. 2C Companions

    8. 2D Working animals

    9. 3A Fashion statements

    10. 3B The right look

    11. 3C Mirror images

    12. 3D Model behaviour

    13. 4A Living in fear

    14. 4B Gladiators

    15. 4C The land of the brave

    16. 4D Southern snakes

  20. New Opportunities Upper-intermediate

  • 2266
  • 06 квітня 2018, 16:17


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