Etapa 1

Week 1 - Grammar Review


Etapa 2

Week 2 - Sentences and Paragraphs


Etapa 3

Week 3 - Thesis Statements


Etapa 4

Week 4 - The Essay


Etapa 5

Week 5 - Revision Practices


Etapa 1

Week 1 - Grammar Review


Etapa 2

Week 2 - Sentences and Paragraphs


Etapa 3

Week 3 - Thesis Statements


Etapa 4

Week 4 - The Essay


Etapa 5

Week 5 - Revision Practices

21 noviembre 2013 13 diciembre 2013
Objetivo completado 10 diciembre 2013

Autor del objetivo


Ucrania, Киев

40 año / año / año

Lenguas extranjeras

Получить сертификат по курсу BerkeleyX: ColWri2.1x College Writing 2x: Principles of Written English

This course is an introductory level university course designed for learners of English. It will cover issues of grammar, written structure, editing, revising, and paragraph development. There are several quizzes built into the course, as well as a required final essay.

Надо улучшить навыки письма на английском.

Ну и сертификат от Беркли никогда не лишний.

 Criterio del fin

Сертификат у меня на почте.

 Recursos personales

Время, хорошее знание английского.

  1. Week 1 - Grammar Review

    · Welcome to the course

    · Why grammar terminology matters

    · Parts of speech/parts of writing

    · Parts of the sentence

  2. Week 2 - Sentences and Paragraphs

    · Review of parts of the sentence

    · Writing effective sentences

    · Introduction to the paragraph

    · Parts of the paragraph

    · Choosing an essay topic

  3. Week 3 - Thesis Statements

    · What is a thesis statement?

    · Finding the argument

    · Academic writing

    · Beginning your first draft

  4. Week 4 - The Essay

    · Strategies for writing longer essays

    · Outlining techniques

    · Finding sources of information

    · Developing your first essay

    A first draft of the essay is due this week.

  5. Week 5 - Revision Practices

    · Revising your draft

    · Creating strong introductions and conclusions

    · Proofreading and editing

    · Review of Weeks 1-5, Preview of Part 2 
    A final draft of your final paper is due this week.

  • 3503
  • 21 noviembre 2013, 12:52

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