Step 1

Grammar Course


Step 2

20-hour Weekend TEFL Course

09 September—10 September


Step 3

Video Observation


Step 4

Telephone Teaching


Step 5

Teaching Large Classes


Step 6

TEFL Methodology Course


Step 1

Grammar Course


Step 3

Video Observation


Step 4

Telephone Teaching


Step 5

Teaching Large Classes


Step 6

TEFL Methodology Course


Step 2

20-hour Weekend TEFL Course

09 September—10 September

20 August 2017 28 February 2018
Goal completed 16 February 2018

Goal author

Olga Gyolai

Serbia, Subotica

39 years old


Пройти курс TEFL

Давно я не занималась английским ради получения сертификата! Этот мне пригодится больше, чем IELTS или TOEFL, так что буду стараться!

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Получить сертификат

  1. Grammar Course

    1. Unit 1: Introduction

    2. Unit 2: Nouns

    3. Unit 3: Verbs

    4. Unit 4: Verbs that are not verbs

    5. Unit 5: Adjectives and Adverbs

    6. Unit 6: Other parts of speech

    7. Unit 7: Present, Past and Future tenses

    8. Unit 8: Conditionals

  2. 20-hour Weekend TEFL Course

  3. Video Observation

    1. Unit 1: PPP lesson

    2. Unit 2: Functional language

    3. Unit 3: Foreign language lesson

    4. Unit 4: Skills lesson

    5. Unit 5: Dealing with difficult students

  4. Telephone Teaching

    1. Unit 1: Introduction to Telephone Teaching

    2. Unit 2: Lesson types and needs analyses

    3. Unit 3: Structures and strategies

  5. Teaching Large Classes

    1. Unit 1: Introduction to Teaching Large Classes

    2. Unit 2: Classroom organisation

    3. Unit 3: Activities and Discipline

  6. TEFL Methodology Course

    1. Unit 1: Understanding teacher and student roles

    2. Unit 2: Teaching structures, strategies and methods

    3. Unit 3: Activities in the classroom

    4. Unit 4: Classroom management, correcting errors and giving feedback

    5. Unit 5: Teaching vocabulary and functions

    6. Unit 6: Teaching reading and listening

    7. Unit 7: Teaching writing and speaking

    8. Unit 8: Introduction to phonology

    9. Unit 9: Teaching young learners: Mini-module

    10. Unit 10: Teaching Business English: Mini-module

    11. Unit 11: Teaching one-to-one: Mini-module

    12. Unit 12: A PPP lesson

    13. Resources

  • 1487
  • 20 August 2017, 15:08
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