Etapa 1

Starting out with Google Tag Manager


Etapa 2

Setting up Google Tag Manager


Etapa 3

Collecting data using Data Layer, variables, and events


Etapa 4

Using additional tags for marketing and remarketing


Etapa 1

Starting out with Google Tag Manager


Etapa 2

Setting up Google Tag Manager


Etapa 3

Collecting data using Data Layer, variables, and events


Etapa 4

Using additional tags for marketing and remarketing

30 noviembre 2017
Objetivo completado 19 diciembre 2017

Autor del objetivo


Google Tag Manager Fundamentals

Четвёртый из пакета аналитикс Гугл академии

 Criterio del fin


  1. Starting out with Google Tag Manager

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Start with a measurement plan

    3. Watch the video

    4. Tag Manager overview

    5. Assessement

  2. Setting up Google Tag Manager

    1. Install the Google Analytics tag

    2. Set up a GA Property variable

    3. Set up cross-domain tracking

    4. Understand the Data Layer

    5. Assessement

  3. Collecting data using Data Layer, variables, and events

    1. Pass static values into Custom Dimensions

    2. Pass dynamic values into Custom Metrics

    3. Track events with variables

  4. Using additional tags for marketing and remarketing

    1. Set up AdWords conversion tracking

    2. Set up Dynamic Remarketing

    3. Course Review

    4. Assessement

  • 803
  • 30 noviembre 2017, 20:35

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