Етап 1

Weakling (stage 1)


Етап 2

Well, that might work (stage 2)


Етап 3

Ma' man! (stage 3)


Етап 1

Weakling (stage 1)


Етап 2

Well, that might work (stage 2)


Етап 3

Ma' man! (stage 3)

12 червня 2018 30 вересня 2018
Ціль прострочена на 2229 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 6 років 4 месяця 24 дня

Автор мети

Rayce Miller

Росія, Москва

32 Рік / року / років

Iноземні мови

Get myself in a good shape

So, the goal is to hit 3 targets at ones.

1. Improve my English. Everything that I do I will do in english.

2. Improve my poetic skills. I want to try it in format of a blog, where every progress that I make would be described in eng.

3. And obviously the main one - getting in a good shape.

Will see how it turns out. I hope I'll not throw it within first month :)

 Критерій завершення

1. Being able to make 15 pull ups in one go

2. Being able to make 40 push ups in one go

3. Being able to run for a 25 minutes without a break

4. Have at least 4 visible abs

  1. Weakling (stage 1)

    At this stage I simply need to start exersising and make it more or less a habit.

    Number of training sessions - 3 time per week.

    Training time - 20 minutes


    1. 6 pull ups x3

    2. 20 push ups x3

    3. 20 crunches x3

    4. Run for a 10 minutes with no break

    5. Exercise for a month

  2. Well, that might work (stage 2)

    If I got to this stage it's already a big deal. Good job and keep it up!

    Number of training sessions - 3 time per week.

    Training time - 20 minutes


    1. 10 pull ups x3

    2. 30 push ups x3

    3. 30 сrunches x3

    4. Run for a 17 minutes with no break

    5. Exercise for a month

  3. Ma' man! (stage 3)

    I kinda doubt that you would got that far but still.

    I could only hope at this point. And if it's true than niiiice work!!

    Number of training sessions - 3 time per week.

    Training time - 30 minutes


    1. 15 pull ups x3

    2. 40 push ups x3

    3. 40 сrunches x3

    4. Run for a 25 minutes with no break

    5. Exercise for a month

  • 725
  • 12 червня 2018, 05:38


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