Этап 1

Т. Гужва - Topics in English


Этап 2

В. Скультэ — Английский для детей.


Этап 3

Learning new words (lingualeo.com)


Этап 4

Reading List


Этап 5

Grammar (American English Center)


Этап 6

Conversation Club (American English Center)


Этап 7

LifeStyle Intermediate Coursebook


Этап 8

R. Murphy – Essential Grammar in Use (Part I)


Этап 1

Т. Гужва - Topics in English


Этап 2

В. Скультэ — Английский для детей.


Этап 3

Learning new words (lingualeo.com)


Этап 4

Reading List


Этап 5

Grammar (American English Center)


Этап 6

Conversation Club (American English Center)


Этап 7

LifeStyle Intermediate Coursebook


Этап 8

R. Murphy – Essential Grammar in Use (Part I)

14 июля 2018

Цель заброшена

Автор не отписывался в цели 2 года 3 месяца 25 дней

Иностранные языки

Reach level in English C2

I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language - a new world." Our businessmen, tourists, experts often go abroad. In my opinion every visitor should be able to find his own way about in an English-speaking community without interpreters.

Nowadaya a lot of people study foreing languages in every possible way. Foreing-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes.

 Критерий завершения

Passed the test.

  1. Т. Гужва - Topics in English


    1. The hermitage and its treasures of art (p. 64)

    2. Post - Office (p. 66)

    3. Food and meals (p. 69)

    4. Sport and Games (p. 73)

    5. Sport in Great Britain and America (p. 75)

    6. The Olympic Games (p. 78)

    7. Medicine and Health (At the Doctor) (p. 80)

    8. Travelling by Air (p. 83)

    9. Traveling by Train (p.85)

    10. A Sea Voyage (p. 88)

    11. My Future Profession (p. 91)

    12. Space Exploration (p. 94)

    13. My Favorite Book (p. 97)

    14. My Favourite Ukrainin Writer (p. 99)

    15. My Favourite English Writer (p. 102)

    16. My Favourite American Writer (p. 105)

    17. My Favourite Russian Writer (p. 108)

    18. Ukraine (p. 110)

    19. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( p. 114)

    20. The United States of America (p. 117)

    21. The Political System of Ukraine (p. 119)

    22. The Political System of Great Britain (p. 123)

    23. The Political System of the USA (p. 126)

    24. At the Map of Ukraine (p. 129)

    25. At the Map of Great Britain (p. 132)

    26. At the Map of USA (p. 134)

    27. National Flag of Ukraine (p. 137)

    28. Natial Flags of Great Britain and the USA (p. 139)

    29. Kyiv - the Capital Of Ukraine (p. 140)

    30. London - the Capital of Great Britain (p.143)

    31. Washington - the Capital of USA (p.147)

    32. The biggest Cities of Ukraine (p.150)

    33. Towns of Great Britain (p.152)

    34. Big Cities of the USA (p.155)

    35. Holidays in Ukraine (p.157)

    36. Holidays in Great Britain (p.160)

    37. Holidays in the USA (p.163)

    38. Outstanding People of Ukraine (p.166)

    39. Life of youth in Great Britain (p.168)

    40. The Names of Youth Organizations in Grat Britain (p.170)

    41. Relations of Ukraibe with the English-Speaking Countries (p.173)

    42. The Historical Places of Kyiv (p.175)

    43. From the History of Ukraine (p.179)

    44. The Historical Places of Great Britain (p.181)

    45. From the History of Great Britain (p.183)

  2. В. Скультэ — Английский для детей.


    1. Lesson 26 (p. 315)

    2. Lesson 27 (p. 321)

    3. Lesson 28 (p. 326)

    4. Lesson 29 (p. 331)

    5. Lesson 30 (p. 337)

    6. Lesson 31 (p. 344)

    7. Lesson 32 (p. 348)

    8. Lesson 33 (p. 355)

    9. Lesson 34 (p. 359)

    10. Lesson 35 (p. 363)

    11. Lesson 36 (p. 368)

    12. Lesson 37 (p. 375)

    13. Lesson 38 (p. 380)

    14. Lesson 39 (p. 386)

    15. Lesson 40 (p. 393)

    16. Lesson 41 (p. 402)

    17. Lesson 42 (p. 408)

    18. Lesson 43 (p. 412)

  3. Learning new words (lingualeo.com)

    Repetition of learned words.

    1. A set of words 21/05/2018. - 34 words.

    2. A set of words 21/05/2018. - 33 words.

    3. A set of words 21/05/2018. - 33 words.

    4. A set of words 27/07/2018. - 34 words.

    5. A set of words 27/07/2018. - 33 words.

    6. A set of words 27/07/2018. - 33 words.

    7. A set of words 15/08/2018. - 34 words.

    8. A set of words 15/08/2018. - 33 words.

    9. A set of words 15/08/2018. - 33 words.

    10. A SET OF WORDS 20/08/2018 - 34 words.

    11. A SET OF WORDS 20/08/2018 - 33 words.

    12. A SET OF WORDS 20/08/2018 - 33 words.

    13. A set of words 23/08/2018. - 34 words.

    14. A set of words 23/08/2018. - 33 words.

    15. A set of words 23/08/2018. - 33 words.

    16. A SET OF WORDS 31/08/2018 - 34 words.

    17. A SET OF WORDS 31/08/2018 - 33 words.

    18. A SET OF WORDS 31/08/2018 - 33 words.

    19. A set of words 12/09/2018 - 34 words.

    20. A set of words 12/09/2018 - 33 words.

    21. A set of words 12/09/2018 - 33 words.

    22. A SET OF WORDS 25/09/2018 - 34 words.

    23. A SET OF WORDS 25/09/2018 - 33 words.

    24. A SET OF WORDS 25/09/2018 - 33 words.

    25. A set of words 08/10/2018 - 34 words.

    26. A set of words 08/10/2018 - 33 words.

    27. A set of words 08/10/2018 - 33 words.

    28. A SET OF WORDS 22/10/2018 - 34 words.

    29. A SET OF WORDS 22/10/2018 - 33 words.

    30. A SET OF WORDS 22/10/2018 - 33 words.

    31. 1 000 new words.

  4. Reading List

    1. Sh. Burnford - The Incredible Journey

    2. (B1+) Agnes Grey - Anne Bronte

    3. (B1+) Women Who Changed the World - Sue Leather

    4. (B2) The Spy Who Came in from the Cold - John le Carre

  5. Grammar (American English Center)


    1. Lesson #001

    2. Lesson #002

    3. Lesson #003

    4. Lesson #004

    5. Lesson #005

    6. Lesson #006

    7. Lesson #007

    8. Lesson #008

    9. Lesson #009

    10. Lesson #010

    11. Lesson #011

    12. Lesson #012

    13. Lesson #013

    14. Lesson #014

    15. Lesson #015

    16. Lesson #016

    17. Lesson #017

    18. Lesson #018

    19. Lesson #019

    20. Lesson #020

    21. Lesson #021

    22. Lesson #022

    23. Lesson #023

    24. Lesson #024

    25. Lesson #025

    26. Lesson #026

    27. Lesson #027

    28. Lesson #028

    29. Lesson #029

    30. Lesson #030

    31. Lesson #031

    32. Lesson #032

    33. Lesson #033

    34. Lesson #034

    35. Lesson #035

    36. Lesson #036

    37. Lesson #037

    38. Lesson #038

    39. Lesson #039

    40. Lesson #040

    41. Lesson #041

  6. Conversation Club (American English Center)

    Conversation with my wife.

    1. Childhood Memories

    2. Friends

    3. Learning English

    4. On Vacation

    5. Men and Women

    6. Cultural Stereotypes

    7. Pets

    8. At the Movies

    9. What's is Your Genes

    10. Marriage

  7. LifeStyle Intermediate Coursebook

    To work out the course.

    1. Quality time (p 4 - 13)

    2. Globetrotters (p 14 - 23)

    3. Be my guest (p 24 - 35)

    4. Learning curve (p. 36 - 45)

    5. Getting on (p. 46 - 55)

    6. Rule of thumb (p. 56 - 67)

    7. Tell as story (p. 68 - 77)

  8. R. Murphy – Essential Grammar in Use (Part I)


    1. Unit 46 (p. 92)

    2. Unit 47 (p. 94)

    3. Unit 48 (p. 96)

    4. Unit 49

    5. Unit 50

    6. Unit 51

    7. Unit 52

    8. Unit 53

    9. Unit 54

    10. Unit 55

    11. Unit 56

    12. Unit 57

    13. Unit 58

    14. Unit 59

    15. Unit 60

    16. Unit 61

    17. Unit 62

    18. Unit 63

    19. Unit 64

    20. Unit 65

    21. Unit 66

    22. Unit 67

    23. Unit 68

    24. Unit 69

    25. Unit 70

    26. Unit 71

    27. Unit 72

    28. Unit 73

    29. Unit 74

    30. Unit 75

    31. Unit 76

    32. Unit 77

    33. Unit 78

    34. Unit 79

    35. Unit 80

    36. Unit 81

    37. Unit 82

    38. Unit 83

    39. Unit 84

    40. Unit 85

    41. Unit 86

    42. Unit 87

    43. Unit 88

    44. Unit 89

    45. Unit 90

    46. Unit 91

    47. Unit 92

    48. Unit 93

    49. Unit 94

    50. Unit 95

    51. Unit 96

    52. Unit 97

    53. Unit 98

    54. Unit 99

    55. Unit 100

    56. Unit 101

    57. Unit 102

    58. Unit 103

    59. Unit 104

    60. Unit 105

    61. Unit 106

    62. Unit 107

  • 1717
  • 14 июля 2018, 19:56


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