Etapa 1

Expand my active vocabulary


Etapa 1

Expand my active vocabulary

05 noviembre 2018 01 septiembre 2019
Objetivo vencido en % days%

El objetivo está desatendido

El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 5 años 6 meses 27 días

Lenguas extranjeras

I want to improve my English to advanced

I want to expand my active vocabulary and improve writing, reading, listening skills.

 Criterio del fin

Comfortable reading of business articles and literature in English. Passing of educational courses in English.

 Recursos personales

I have ample time to learning English. It's about 2 hours a day. Also, I have a strong motivation and enough money.

  1. Expand my active vocabulary

    One set of words per week. I'll use LinguaLeo's simulator.

    1. Top 1000 words

    2. Top 100 phrasal verbs

    3. Top 100 nouns

    4. Top 100 adverbs

    5. Top 100 irregular verbs

    6. Numerals

    7. Education

    8. ...

  • 592
  • 05 noviembre 2018, 13:17

Las posibilidades
están ilimitadas.
Es la hora
de descubrir las suyas

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