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Учить по 20 новых английских слов в день
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Пройти учебники B1+ и B2 и С1
Критерий завершения
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Present simple and present continuous
Past simple
Past continous
Present perfect or past simple
Present continuous and going to
Past perfect
zero, first, second conditionals
used to and didn`t used to
Present perfect with just, alredy, yet
The passive
Present simple and present continuous
Present perfect simple and and past simple
Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
Zero conditional and first conditional
First conditional
Second conditional
Should and should`t
Uses of to + infinitive
Comparatives and superlatives
The passive: present and past simple
Must, have to, can
Subject and object
used to, usually
Narrative tenses
Modals and phrases of ability
Повторить курс B1
Повторить грамматику и слова из курса B1 и B1+
Future forms
Выполнять ежедневные цели
Прокачивать свои скилы по 5 основным направлениям языка
Modals of obligation
Modals of deduction
Comparatives and superlatives
Reported speech Verb patterns
Defining and non- defining relative clauses
Пройти курс B1+в школе языка или самому
ReVieW 0f tenýes
Narrative tenses
Future time cLauses and conditionaLs
Mlu{ti-word verb
Present perfect simpе and continuous
used toand would
Modality review 1; 0bligation and permission
Futurе probab
Future perfect апd future сопtiпu
Gеruпdsапd infinitrves
The passive
too\enough; so\such
Causat ve have/get
first and second conditionals
Third conditiona1; should hаие + past рагtiсiрlе
Relative clauses
Rерогtеd speech; reporting verbs
Past rпоdаis 0f deduetion
Wishes and regrets
Пройти курс B2 в школе языка или самому
В зависимости от семейного бюджета пройти курс B2
Пройти курс C1в школе языка или самому
В зависимости от семейного бюджета пройти курс C1
- 832
- 08 июля 2019, 08:08
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