Етап 1

"Upper-1" [January]


Етап 2

"The winter is coming" [December]


Етап 3

"Ahead" [November]


Етап 4

"The first" [October]


Етап 1

"Upper-1" [January]


Етап 2

"The winter is coming" [December]


Етап 3

"Ahead" [November]


Етап 4

"The first" [October]

21 жовтня 2019 16 листопада 2020
Ціль прострочена на 1265 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 3 року 9 месяців 7 днів

Iноземні мови

Advanced English


This is a child goal to FULLSTACK AIM (clickable)

Current task is to raise my English level from B1 (Intermidiate) to C1 (Advanced). The deadline is June 2020.

I write about my progress towards the goal on this page.

If you find any mistakes in my speech, please contact me. I'll be glad to fix them and improve my knowledge :)

 Критерій завершення

To raise C1 English level

  1. "Upper-1" [January]

    Week 15 "Tiny hurricane" [days 27-31; 1-2]

    1. 4 lessons on skyeng

    Week 14 "Teachers vacation" [days 20-26]

    My teacher has got a vacation. Only revising

    Week 13 "Wow, 4 lessons!" [days 13-19]

    1. 4 lessons on skyeng

    Week 12 "WOW, 5 lessons!" [days 6-12]

    1. 5 lessons on skyeng

    Week 11 "Vacation" [days 30-31; 1-5]

    Nothing to do

  2. "The winter is coming" [December]

    Week 10 "Clean up" [days 23, 29]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Sort out with previous points

    Week 9 "Final exam" [days 16, 22]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Martin Eden 5 pages
    3. Vocab: revise sets from 16th to 21th

    Week 8 "Preparing to final exam" [days 9, 15]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Martin Eden 5 pages
    3. Vocab: revise sets from 11th to 16th
    4. Vocab: "A case closed?", "Could you tell me if...", "TV habits", "Turn it off"

    Week 7 "Conditional 3, question tags, indirect questions" [days 2, 8]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Martin Eden 3 pages
    3. Vocab: revise sets from 6th to 11th
    4. Vocab: "Good luck, bad luck"
  3. "Ahead" [November]

    Week 6 "Reported speech" [days 25-30, 1]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Martin Eden 2 pages (pls, don't laugh)
    3. Vocab: revise first 5 sets
    4. Vocab: "See the film, get on plane", "Complaints", "Cinema", "I need a hero", "Heroes and icons of our time"

    Week 5 "Reported speech" [days 18-24]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Vocab: "Describing your work", "The right job for you", "Changing jobs", "Buying online", "Shopping"

    Week 4 "Gerund, infinitive" [days 11-17]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Make Conditionals exercises
    3. Lear grammar rules about articles and prepositions
    4. Vocab: "Slow down, you move too fast", "Gender stereotypes", "A man thing or a woman thing"

    Week 3 "Articles, connectors, prepositions" [days 4-10]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Vocab: "A dream house", "Houses you'll never forget", "Still friends", "A friends reunion", "Editing your friends"
  4. "The first" [October]

    Week 2 "Conditionals, used to" [days 28-31, 1-3]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Make conditionals exercises
    3. Vocab: 94 words from "Never give up", "Exams" and "An ideal world"
    4. next 10 pages of a "Dandelion Wine"
    5. Wish clauses and articles from the grammar book

    Week 1 "Conditionals" [days 21-27]

    1. 3 lessons on skyeng
    2. Learn conditionals
    3. Vocab: 55 words from "Judging by appearance" and "If at first you don't succeed"
  • 1580
  • 21 жовтня 2019, 20:04


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