Этап 1

English grammar in use


Этап 2

English vocabulary in use


Этап 3

English collocations in use


Этап 4

English phrasal verbs in use


Этап 5

English idioms in use


Этап 6

Idioms and phrasal verbs


Этап 7

Other sources of knowledge


Этап 1

English grammar in use


Этап 2

English vocabulary in use


Этап 3

English collocations in use


Этап 4

English phrasal verbs in use


Этап 5

English idioms in use


Этап 6

Idioms and phrasal verbs


Этап 7

Other sources of knowledge

28 января 2020

Цель заморожена

Автор цели 07 марта 2020 года заморозил цель

Иностранные языки

English in Use.

Learning, improving and repeating English.

 Критерий завершения

Finish these books.

  1. English grammar in use

    1. Present and past (unit 1-6)

    2. Present perfect and past (unit 7-18)

    3. Future (unit 19-25)

    4. Modals (unit 26-37)

    5. if and wish (unit 38-41)

    6. Passive (unit 42-46)

    7. Reported speech (unit 47-48)

    8. Questions and auxiliary verbs (unit 49-52)

    9. -ing and to... (unit 53-68)

    10. Articles and nouns (unit 69-81)

    11. Pronouns and determiners (unit 82-91)

    12. Relative clauses (unit 92-97)

    13. Adjectives and adverbs (unit 98-112)

    14. Conjunctions and prepositions (113-120)

    15. Prepositions (unit 121-136)

    16. Phrasal verbs (unit 137-145)

  2. English vocabulary in use

    1. Learning (1-4)

    2. The world around us (5-8)

    3. People (9-15)

    4. Daily life (16-30)

    5. Education and study (31-34)

    6. Work and business (35-40)

    7. Leisure and entertaiment (41-45)

    8. Tourism (46-51)

    9. Communication and technology (52-55)

    10. Social issues (56-59)

    11. Concepts (60-64)

    12. Functional language (65-69)

    13. Word formation (70-73)

    14. Phrase building (74-80)

    15. Key verbs (81-85)

    16. Words and grammar (86-91)

    17. Connecting and linking (92-94)

    18. Style and register (95-100)

  3. English collocations in use

    1. Learning about collocations (1-5)

    2. Grammatical aspects of collocations (6-9)

    3. Special aspects of collocation (10-12)

    4. Topics: travel and the environment (13-16)

    5. Topics: people and relationships (17-20)

    6. Topics: leisure and lifestyle (21-26)

    7. Topics: work and study (27-33)

    8. Topics: society and institutions (34-39)

    9. Basic concepts (40-50)

    10. Functions (51-60)

  4. English phrasal verbs in use

    1. Learning about phrasal verbs (1-5)

    2. Key verbs (6-12)

    3. Key particles (13-21)

    4. Concepts (22-31)

    5. Functions (32-41)

    6. Work, study and finance (42-50)

    7. Personal life (51-60)

    8. The world around us (61-70)

  5. English idioms in use

    1. Learning about idioms (1-2)

    2. Idioms to talk about... (3-30)

    3. Idioms from the topic area of... (31-46)

    4. Idioms using these keywords:... (47-62)

  6. Idioms and phrasal verbs

    1. Introduction to idioms and phrasal verbs (1-7)

    2. Thinking, learning, and knowledge (8-13)

    3. Communicating with people (14-22)

    4. People and relationships (23-30)

    5. Everyday topics (31-38)

    6. Out and about (39-43)

    7. Concepts (44-52)

    8. Language (53-60)

  7. Other sources of knowledge

  • 713
  • 28 января 2020, 07:10


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