Этап 1

Present Simple


Этап 2

Past Simple


Этап 3

Future Simple


Этап 4

There is / There are


Этап 5

Imperative Mood


Этап 6

Present, Past and Future Continuous


Этап 7

Present Perfect Tenses


Этап 8

Past Perfect Tenses


Этап 9

Future Perfect Tenses


Этап 10



Этап 11

The Numerals


Этап 12



Этап 13



Этап 14

The Future in the Past


Этап 15

Conditional clauses - начало среднего уровня


Этап 16



Этап 17

Phrasal verbs


Этап 18



Этап 19

Modal Verbs (can / could) - начало продвинутого уровня


Этап 20

Perfect Passive


Этап 21

Modal Verbs (should / ought to / shall)


Этап 22

Modal Verbs (may / might)


Этап 23

Gerund and Infinitive


Этап 24

The Simple Passive voice


Этап 25

Present and Past Continuous Passive


Этап 26

Reported Speech


Этап 27



Этап 28

Modal verbs (must)


Этап 29

Inversion, ellipsis and substitution


Этап 1

Present Simple


Этап 2

Past Simple


Этап 3

Future Simple


Этап 4

There is / There are


Этап 5

Imperative Mood


Этап 6

Present, Past and Future Continuous


Этап 7

Present Perfect Tenses


Этап 8

Past Perfect Tenses


Этап 9

Future Perfect Tenses


Этап 10



Этап 11

The Numerals


Этап 12



Этап 13



Этап 14

The Future in the Past


Этап 15

Conditional clauses - начало среднего уровня


Этап 16



Этап 17

Phrasal verbs


Этап 18



Этап 19

Modal Verbs (can / could) - начало продвинутого уровня


Этап 20

Perfect Passive


Этап 21

Modal Verbs (should / ought to / shall)


Этап 22

Modal Verbs (may / might)


Этап 23

Gerund and Infinitive


Этап 24

The Simple Passive voice


Этап 25

Present and Past Continuous Passive


Этап 26

Reported Speech


Этап 27



Этап 28

Modal verbs (must)


Этап 29

Inversion, ellipsis and substitution

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Иностранные языки

Грамматический курс LinguaLeo

Все-таки повышение курса доллара хоть где-то пришлось на пользу. По счастливой случайности мне пришел email от разработчиков LinguaLeo с акцией, приуроченной к стоимости американской валюты: 80 рублей за 1 доллар. В письме предлагалась скидка 80% на годовую премиум-подписку: 799 ₽ вместо 3999 ₽.

Ну как тут отказаться, подумал я, и тут же воспользовался предложением. LinguaLeo возник из ниоткуда как нельзя кстати.

Данная цель сопряжена с целью:

Успехов мне!

 Критерий завершения

Пройдены все разделы грамматики для начального, среднего и продвинутого уровня.

 Личные ресурсы

Время, деньги на приобретение премиум-подписки и дополнительных тематических разделов.

 Экологичность цели

Для путешествий по миру, для просмотра фильмов и сериалов в оригинале. Для длительного нахождения за границей и поиска работы в международной организации.

  1. Present Simple

    1. Forms

    2. Use

    3. Исключения в Present Simple (go-goes)

    4. Questions

    5. Negatives

    6. The verb to be

    7. Use 2

    8. Test

    9. Сертификат

  2. Past Simple

    1. Use

    2. Regular and irregular verbs

    3. Forms

    4. Questions

    5. Negatives

    6. The verb to be

    7. Used to

    8. Used to - questions and negatives

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  3. Future Simple

    1. Use

    2. Forms

    3. Questions

    4. Negatives

    5. Be going to...

    6. Be going to - questions and negatives

    7. Present Continuous for Future

    8. Present Simple for Future

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  4. There is / There are

    1. There is / There are

    2. “There is / There are” in positive sentences

    3. “There is / There are” in negative sentences

    4. “There is / There are” in questions

    5. Test

    6. Сертификат

  5. Imperative Mood

    1. Imperative mood

    2. Imperative Mood in negative sentences

    3. Let’s

    4. Эмоциональные формы повелительного наклонения

    5. Test

    6. Сертификат

  6. Present, Past and Future Continuous

    1. Present Continuous - Use

    2. Forms

    3. Verbs with –ing ending: Spelling

    4. Questions

    5. Negatives

    6. Past Continuous - Use

    7. Forms

    8. Questions

    9. Negatives

    10. Future Continuous - Use

    11. Forms

    12. Questions

    13. Negatives

    14. Non-continuous verbs

    15. Test

    16. Сертификат

  7. Present Perfect Tenses

    1. Use

    2. Forms

    3. Questions

    4. Negatives

    5. Adverbs and prepositions

    6. Present Perfect Continuous - Use

    7. Forms

    8. Negatives

    9. Questions

    10. Test

    11. Сертификат

  8. Past Perfect Tenses

    1. Use

    2. Forms

    3. Questions

    4. Negatives

    5. Past Perfect Continuous - Use

    6. Forms

    7. Questions

    8. Negatives

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  9. Future Perfect Tenses

    1. Use

    2. Forms

    3. Questions

    4. Negatives

    5. Future Perfect Continuous - Use

    6. Forms

    7. Questions

    8. Negatives

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  10. Articles

    1. Countable / uncountable nouns

    2. A / an - basics

    3. The - basics

    4. Zero Article

    5. A little / a few - basics

    6. A / an - advanced

    7. The - advanced

    8. The - advanced (part 2)

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  11. The Numerals

    1. Introduction. Cardinal Numbers

    2. Big numerals

    3. Ordinal Numbers

    4. Fractional Numerals

    5. Test

    6. Сертификат

  12. Pronouns

    1. Personal pronouns

    2. Object pronouns

    3. Possessive pronouns

    4. it ...

    5. Both / neither / either

    6. Both / neither / either - part 2

    7. Test

    8. Сертификат

  13. Adjectives

    1. Adjectives in a Sentence

    2. Degrees of Comparison

    3. Irregular Comparison

    4. Comparative Structures

    5. Order before Nouns

    6. Adjectives and Adverbs

    7. Nouns as Adjective

    8. Test

    9. Сертификат

  14. The Future in the Past

    1. How to use the Future in the Past

    2. The Future Simple in the Past

    3. The Future Continuous in the Past

    4. The Future Perfect in the Past

    5. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

    6. Future Plans in the Past

    7. Past Continuous for Future in the Past

    8. Test

    9. Сертификат

  15. Conditional clauses - начало среднего уровня

    1. Conditional clauses I type

    2. Conditional clauses II type

    3. Conditional clauses III type

    4. Inversion in conditional sentences

    5. I wish...

    6. Conjunctions in conditional sentences

    7. Test

    8. Сертификат

  16. Prepositions

    1. Prepositions

    2. Prepositions of place

    3. Prepositions of place II

    4. Prepositions of place III

    5. Prepositions of time

    6. Prepositions of time: durations

    7. Last week or on last week?

    8. Prepositions of movement

    9. Test

    10. Сертификат

  17. Phrasal verbs

    1. Phrasal Verbs

    2. Types of phrasal verbs

    3. Verb + preposition

    4. Verb + adverb

    5. Verb + adverb + preposition

    6. Test

    7. Сертификат

  18. Adverbs

    1. What is an adverb?

    2. Forming adverbs

    3. Forming adverbs: exceptions

    4. Forming adverbs: spelling

    5. Position in a sentence

    6. Degrees of comparison

    7. Adverbs of frequency:position in a sentence

    8. Multiple adverbs at the end of a sentence

    9. Adverb or adjective?

    10. Test

    11. Сертификат

  19. Modal Verbs (can / could) - начало продвинутого уровня

    1. Introduction

    2. "Can" in positive sentences

    3. "Can" in questions

    4. "Can" in the negative sentences

    5. "Can": Use

    6. Test - modal verb Can

    7. "Could" in positive sentences

    8. "Could" in questions

    9. "Could" in negative sentences

    10. "Could": Use

    11. Test - modal verb Could

    12. "Be able to": Forms and Use

    13. Test

    14. Сертификат

  20. Perfect Passive

    1. The Perfect Tenses

    2. Active or Passive Voice

    3. How to Use Passive Voice

    4. Present Perfect Passive

    5. Past Perfect Passive

    6. Future Perfect Passive

    7. Summary

    8. Тест

    9. Сертификат

  21. Modal Verbs (should / ought to / shall)

    1. “Should” in positive sentences

    2. “Should” in questions

    3. “Should” in negative sentences

    4. “Ought to” in positive sentences

    5. “Ought to” in questions

    6. “Ought to” in negative sentences

    7. “Shall” in positive sentences

    8. “Shall” in questions

    9. “Shall” in negative sentences

    10. Test

    11. Сертификат

  22. Modal Verbs (may / might)

    1. “May” in positive sentences

    2. “May” in questions

    3. “May” in negative sentences

    4. ”May”: Use

    5. Test - modal verb ”May”

    6. ”Might” in positive sentences

    7. ”Might” in questions

    8. ”Might” in negative sentences

    9. ”Might”: Use

    10. Test - modal verb “Might”

    11. To be allowed to - To be permitted to

    12. Test

    13. Сертификат

  23. Gerund and Infinitive

    1. Verb forms

    2. Gerund

    3. Forming Gerunds. Part 1

    4. Forming Gerunds. Part 2

    5. Gerund after Verbs

    6. The Use of Gerund

    7. To-infinitive after Verbs

    8. The use of to-infinitive. Other cases

    9. How to use bare infinitive

    10. Gerund or to-infinitive after certain verbs

    11. Gerund or To-infinitive after certain verbs. Part 2

    12. Complex object for make, get

    13. Test

    14. Сертификат

  24. The Simple Passive voice

    1. Passive voice – general information

    2. Present Simple Passive - Use

    3. Forms

    4. Questions

    5. Negatives

    6. Past Simple Passive - Use

    7. Forms

    8. Questions

    9. Negatives

    10. Future Simple Passive - Use

    11. Forms

    12. Questions

    13. Negatives

    14. Test

    15. Сертификат

  25. Present and Past Continuous Passive

    1. Introduction

    2. Passive voice basics

    3. How to change a sentence from active to passive

    4. Present Continuous Passive - Forms

    5. Forming a question

    6. Forming a negative

    7. Past Continuous Passive - Forms

    8. Forming a question

    9. Forming a negative

    10. Test

    11. Сертификат

  26. Reported Speech

    1. The Reported Speech

    2. Sequence of Tenses

    3. Pronouns

    4. Adverbs

    5. Negative sentences

    6. Yes / No questions

    7. Questions with a Question Word

    8. Requests, commands, suggestions

    9. Tell or say?

    10. Test

    11. Сертификат

  27. Participles

    1. Урок 1. Что такое причастие и для чего нужны причастия?

    2. Урок 2. Причастия-определения

    3. Урок 3. Причастные обороты

    4. Урок 4. Перфектное причастие и причастия в пассивном залоге

    5. Урок 5. Причастие после глаголов feel, see, hear и т.д. (complex object)

    6. Тест

    7. Сертификат

  28. Modal verbs (must)

    1. Урок 1

    2. Урок 2

    3. Урок 3

    4. Урок 4

    5. Урок 5

    6. Тест

    7. Сертификат

  29. Inversion, ellipsis and substitution

    1. Инверсия в разговорной речи

    2. Инверсия в литературе и письменной речи

    3. Эллипсис

    4. Замены в английском языке

    5. Тест

    6. Сертификат

  • 2635
  • 20 марта 2020, 18:30


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