Etapa 1

Improve each section individually


Etapa 2

Make writing a part of my life


Etapa 3

Make reading a part of my life


Etapa 4

Make speaking a part of my life


Etapa 5

Make listening a part of my life


Etapa 6

Improve my vocabularly


Etapa 7

Deal with the time


Etapa 1

Improve each section individually


Etapa 2

Make writing a part of my life


Etapa 3

Make reading a part of my life


Etapa 4

Make speaking a part of my life


Etapa 5

Make listening a part of my life


Etapa 6

Improve my vocabularly


Etapa 7

Deal with the time

07 agosto 2020 05 noviembre 2020
Objetivo completado 1 enero 2021
Lenguas extranjeras

Pass the IELTS for a score of 7 - 7.5.

Hello everyone! I want to study in another country in Europe and I have found several opportunities to achieve this goal:
- I can spend a semester for the program Erasmus.
- I can study in russian master's for the programe with double degree.
- I can study all my master's degree abroad.

But I have an important restrictiction: I haven't any money for that and my monthly income is about 150 euro. So, I need a good scholarship that can cover all my expenses. And all schoolarships have the requirment: I need to pass IELTS or TOEFFL for the apropriate score.

I evaluate my score on IELTS right now as 5.0 - 5.5. I am good at listening, normal at reading and speaking and terrible at writing. But I will improve this. And here's my plan.

 Criterio del fin

The test was passed on the desired mark.

  1. Improve each section individually

    Every day when I don't do a full test, I improve one of the following sections:

    - Grammar

    - Listening

    - reading

    - Letter

    - Speaker

    This means that I will go through the exact part of the test, analyze errors, and read a few guides to help me get a better score. In the first few weeks, I will analyze the entire section structure or requirements for it.

  2. Make writing a part of my life

    Every day I will write something in English: probably only my thoughts and feelings, perhaps plans or something else.

  3. Make reading a part of my life

    Every day I will read a BBC news article and several pages of a book in English (right now I am reading Interview Secrets: Former McKinsey Interviewer Reveals How To Get Multiple Consulting Jobs)

  4. Make speaking a part of my life

    Now nothing special comes to my mind: I’ll probably try to talk to myself on different topics. I will think about this in the process.

  5. Make listening a part of my life

    I will listen to TED or other podcasts in English for 10 minutes or more, 3 times a week.

  6. Improve my vocabularly

    I will try to find applications or sites that will help me learn new words in a convenient way.

  7. Deal with the time

    I will take 1 full test per week exactly in time (2 hours 45 minutes) with detailed error analysis (45 minutes).

  • 973
  • 07 agosto 2020, 18:21

Las posibilidades
están ilimitadas.
Es la hora
de descubrir las suyas

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