Step 1

Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

Closing date: 15 September


Step 2

Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 - Union Find - LeetCode Practice

Closing date: 15 September


Step 3

Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

Closing date: 15 September


Step 4

Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge sort, Quick sort

Closing date: 15 September


Step 5

Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

Closing date: 15 September


Step 6

Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

Closing date: 15 September


Step 7

Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

Closing date: 15 September


Step 8

Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

Closing date: 15 September


Step 9

Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

Closing date: 15 September


Step 1

Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

Closing date: 15 September


Step 2

Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 - Union Find - LeetCode Practice

Closing date: 15 September


Step 3

Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

Closing date: 15 September


Step 4

Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge sort, Quick sort

Closing date: 15 September


Step 5

Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

Closing date: 15 September


Step 6

Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

Closing date: 15 September


Step 7

Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

Closing date: 15 September


Step 8

Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

Closing date: 15 September


Step 9

Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

Closing date: 15 September

14 March 2021

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 2 years 8 months 4 days


Prepare for FAANG Interview

Algorithms and Data Structures - Topics


Algorithm Analysis - Big O, Time and Space Complexity

  1. 1-16 videos by Abdul Bari



  1. Union Find - Playlist
  2. Union Find leetcode problems:




Stack & Queues

Leet code problems:

  1. Baseball Game - 682
  2. Daily Temperature - 739
  3. Minimum Add to make Parathenses valid - 921
  4. Remove outmost parentheses - 1021
  5. Remove All adjacents duplicates in string - 1047
  6. Minimum remove to make parentheses valid - 1249

Divide & Conquer

Recurrent relations:

  1. video 18-25 from here


  1. https://www.sparknotes.com/cs/recursion/whatisrecursion/section2/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2_aWCzGMAwLz3g66WrxFGSXvSsvyfzCO

Merge & Quick Sort

Priority Queue, Binary Tree, Heap, Heap Sort

  1. video 14-18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLIRnUhknP0&list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu&index=
  2. video by Abdul Bari ( MUST SEE ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPJF2L5h9U&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=33&t=0s

Binary Search Trees, Red-Black BST, B-Trees, AVL-Trees

  1. B-Tree by Abdul Bari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZjYr87r1b8&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=77
  2. AVL Tree by Abdul Bari- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDM6_TnYIqE&list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-O29szjTrs_O&index=76
  3. BST playlists by google engineer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfSdGQdAzq8&list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu&index=24

Hash Tables

  1. The data structure in pictures series: https://habr.com/ru/post/128017/
  2. Hash Table playlist: playlist

Graph Theory


  1. Graph Theory playlist: link
  2. Bipartite Graph - link
  3. pathfinding in graphs - link

Leetcode problems:

  1. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-the-town-judge/
  2. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-i/
  3. https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/
  4. https://leetcode.com/problems/is-graph-bipartite/
  5. https://leetcode.com/problems/escape-a-large-maze/
  6. https://leetcode.com/problems/find-eventual-safe-s...


Other Material:

  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/ - Good DS theory
  2. ttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDV1Zeh2NRsB6SWUrDFW2RmDotAfPbeHu - videos on DS topics by Google engineer
  3. https://leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/494279/comprehensive-data-structure-and-algorithm-study-guide - one of many guides for learning algo and ds
  4. https://www.educative.io/courses/coderust-hacking-the-coding-interview - some practical algo questions

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

All parts of preparation are done

 Personal resources

Experience, Motivation, Family, Kids

 Goal ecological compatibility

This goal is going from myself as I want to provide a very good future for my kids. The job at FAANG would allow me to be more financially independent and successful.

  1. Algorithms Overview - Week 1 - Union Find & Time and Space Complexity

    The journey has begun.

    Here is a short plan for the first:

    1. Algorithms, Part I, Week 1 - Standford University - Coursera


    1. Union Find - Quick Union Approach - Coursera
    2. Union Find - Quick Find Approach - Coursera
    3. Weighted Union Find Coursera
    4. Weighted Union Find Coursera Path Compression
    5. Union find videos by Wiliam Fiset
    6. Programming Assignment - Coursera
    7. Analysis of Algorithm - Coursera
    8. Watch the series about the time Complexity by Abdoul Bari
  2. Algorithms Overview - Week 1.5 - Union Find - LeetCode Practice

  3. Algorithms Overview - Week 2 - Stack, Queues, Basic Sorting

    The second week of the course. Material to learn:

    • Stack, Queues
    • Sorting algorithms
    1. Stack and Queues
    2. Elementary Sort
    3. Data Structures By Google Engineer - Stack and Queues
    4. Implement Stack and Queue in Java from scratch
    5. Baseball Game - 682
    6. Daily Temperature - 739
    7. Minimum Add to make Parathenses valid - 921
    8. Remove outmost parentheses - 1021
    9. Remove All adjacents duplicates in string - 1047
    10. Minimum remove to make parentheses valid - 1249
  4. Algorithms Overview - Week 3 - Merge sort, Quick sort

    1. Merge Sort
    2. Abdul Bari videos 18-25 about Divide and Conquer
    3. Quick Sort
    4. Coursera Week 3 Assignment
    5. Abdul Bari's video on quick sort
  5. Algorithms Overview - Week 3.5 - Refresher for Sorting Algorithms

    1) Make a sorting comparison table with a Time and Space Complexity

    2) Try to rewrite the MergeSort and quick sort it from memory.

    3) Remember the case for applying each of the algorithms

    4) Refresh all prev materials by going through conspectus

  6. Algorithms Overview - Week 4 - Priority Queues and Elementary Symbol Tables

    1. Priority Queues - Coursera
    2. Abdul Bari videos about PQ, Heap, Binary Tree
    3. Google Engineer videos about PQ
    4. 8 Puzzle - Coursera
    5. Elementary Symbol Table - Coursera
    6. Priority Queue Implementation
    7. Indexed Priority Queue
  7. Algorithms Overview - Week 5 - Balanced Search Trees

    1. Balanced Search Trees
    2. Data Structure Implementation
    3. Abdul Bari - B-tree
    4. Abdul Bari - BST
  8. Algorithms Overview - Week 6 - HashTables

    1. HashTable - Coursera
    2. Symbol Table Applications
    3. Hash Table implementation
    4. Google Engineer playlist
  9. Algorithms Overview Part 1 - Finish

    1. Refresh all material
  • 654
  • 14 March 2021, 05:56
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