Java Junior Developer (Крок 2.3)
За місяць пройти "Head First SQL" (609 ст). Проходити щодня мінімум 20 сторінок. Оновлювати статус на Goodreads, мотивує досить.
Критерий завершения
Пройти "Head First SQL"
Data and Tables: A place for everything
The SELECT Statement: Gifted data retrieval
DELETE and UPDATE: A change will do you good
Smart Table Design: Why be normal?
appendix ii: MySQL installation
ALTER: Rewriting the past
Advanced SELECT: Seeing your data with new eyes
Multi-table Database Design: Outgrowing your table
Joins and Multi-table Operations: Can’t we all just get along?
Subqueries: Queries Within Queries
Outer Joins, Self Joins, and Unions: New maneuvers
Constraints, Views, and Transactions: Too many cooks spoil the database
appendix iii: tools roundup
Security: Protecting your assets
appendix i: leftovers
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- 12 марта 2015, 16:48
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