Reaches the goal since 20 February 2021
491 place in rating
491 place in rating
295.27 to next level
Goals in Progress
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The goal has been achieved
- 10
- 29
- 7
Business & Finance
Формирование капитала обеспечивающего пассивный доход в размере привычного уровня жизни
Goal failed
- 1
- 3
- 0
The goal has been achieved
- 1
- 2
- 0
Goal failed
- 3
- 4
- 9
Goal failed
- 10
- 30
- 14
The goal has been achieved
- 2
- 9
- 0
The goal has been achieved
- 5
- 12
- 1
The goal has been achieved
- 2
- 1
- 0
The goal has been achieved
- 6
- 17
- 4
The goal has been achieved
- 2
- 15
- 1